Example sentences of "to the twelfth " in BNC.

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1 There is St John 's Hospital , the first in Europe , built in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries , although founded much earlier , and still in use until the 1970s ; the Beguinage , a religious foundation for women that dates back to the twelfth century , now a convent ; the thirteenth-to fifteenth-century Church of our Lady , with a 350ft tower ; the Stadhuis , a magnificent Gothic town hall dating from 1376-1420 .
2 Well , I will have you know that the office of coroner dates back to the twelfth century , before civil servants were thought of !
3 Then the instrument was relaid with the crosshead towards the west so that the lengthening shadow gradually moved back along the hour marks to the twelfth .
4 1868 ) , tavern in Snow Hill , Holborn , east London , dating back to the twelfth century .
5 It is sufficient to say that in broad definition the former term applies to the language used up to the twelfth century , and the latter that given to the language between the twelfth and the fifteenth , when Modern English started to emerge .
6 ‘ Why , to the Twelfth Night festivities — where else ? ’
7 Right , April , April the tenth to the twelfth , is the , is the National Amnesty A G M which is held over a weekend and this year is in Exeter .
8 This housed oriental manuscripts , many of poetry , mysticism and jurisprudence , going back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries .
9 The school , whose origins go back to the twelfth century , has been moved to a new location .
10 The two chief rivals for Dalmatia from the ninth century to the twelfth were the Croats and the Venetians .
11 And then she had met Havvie Blaine , or , more properly , Havelock Torquil Roderick Blaine , Marquess of Blaine , heir to the Twelfth Duke of Innescourt , the most handsome man in society , the most run after by every girl from the age of sixteen upwards , and most of the married women , too , said the cynics .
12 The zeal for the development of spiritual life , which had flowered in Europe from the tenth to the twelfth centuries , had resulted in the reform of the Benedictine monasticism of the West and the emergence of Orders — Cluniac , Cistercian and Carthusian — committed to living apart in various communal ways which stressed above all the individual inner spiritual growth of their members .
13 The case was heard in the week of November the eighth to the twelfth at Chelmsford .
14 Jo makes North Wiltshire , a cheese dating back to the twelfth century .
15 Under the new policy , anyone working on the twelfth floor will need to go down to the first floor to clock out , to the fourth floor to find a smoking room , down to the first to clock on again and back to the twelfth to carry on working .
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