Example sentences of "have voted for " in BNC.

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1 Europe has voted for something new and something greener and closer to the community .
2 Meanwhile Labour has voted for one miserable saving — doubling pensioners ' concessionary fares .
3 The National Union of Teachers has voted for possible nationwide strikes in protest at the planned introduction of performance-related pay .
4 I am now shown correctly in Hansard as having voted for the Government in Division 15 .
5 And having voted for party candidates , the electors expected the members returned to Parliament to support the program offered by their leaders at the election .
6 Personally , I would have voted for the lads at Cain 's Brewery but Twitters may have got the jitters if the revamped Higson 's had made the headlines .
7 But even if the note was deleted ( and Ramsey deleted it in a later edition ) , Raven could not have voted for Ramsey with enthusiasm .
8 If people had imagined in 1933 that things would have come to such a pitch , they 'd never have voted for Hitler .
9 What was said by a single inhabitant of Berchtesgaden in March 1945 was a sentiment undoubtedly close to the hearts of most Germans at this time : ‘ If we 'd have imagined in 1933 how things would turn out , we 'd never have voted for Hitler . ’
10 In a democracy , the elected member is entrusted with duties towards all persons in his constituency irrespective of the fact that they may not have voted for him .
11 Wilshere said that had he been a juror in this case , he would have voted for sending Field to trial ; his conduct had been cruel and brutal in the extreme and ‘ the violence to this poor creature in her diseased and irritable state ’ increased the symptoms and hastened her death .
12 I doubt that these young men , had they been allowed to form their own world view and their own understanding of national history , would have voted for this bloodshed .
13 I would think it 's a diminishing number because I think that a large number of judges who would have voted for Mr Clement Attlee would look askance at voting for some of his successors , with all respect to them .
14 In their enthusiastic welcome for the referendum result , Lithuanian leaders pointed out that many ethnic Poles and Russians ( who made up 20 per cent of Lithuania 's population ) must have voted for independence , contradicting Soviet allegations that Lithuania 's minorities felt persecuted and needed to be defended by Soviet troops .
15 Following their defeat at the Wiltshire election of 1713 , the Whig candidates petitioned the House of Commons , complaining that the under-sheriff , in collusion with the two Tory candidates , had delayed opening the poll until the afternoon , " when many freeholders , who would have voted for the petitioners , were necessitated , by reason of the harvest , to go away without voting " , and also that he had " refused those who voted for the petitioners , and had a right ; and polled others amongst them , who had no right " .
16 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
17 AN INVESTIGATION is to be mounted at BAFTA into the award of a prize to the Granada drama Prime Suspect after four of the seven jury members claim to have voted for Channel 4 's GBH .
18 He acknowledged that the delay in his party 's response was due to internal disagreements ; the party executive was believed to have voted for a boycott of the referendum , but was reportedly overruled by a parliamentary caucus meeting .
19 Whether you 've voted for them or not .
20 But yesterday it emerged that the four judges had written to Mr Tony Byrne , BAFTA president , saying they had voted for GBH , the Alan Bleasdale drama starring Robert Lindsay as leader of a corrupt city council .
21 But yesterday it emerged that the four judges had written to Mr Tony Byrne , BAFTA president , saying they had voted for GBH , the Alan Bleasdale drama starring Robert Lindsay as leader of a corrupt city council .
22 It was feared Italians had voted for ‘ a Polish parliament ’ , where more than a dozen parties will be represented in parliament , incapable of supporting a coherent government coalition .
23 People lied about their intentions up to the moment of voting and went on lying even as they left the polling stations , saying they had voted for Labour when they had voted Tory , ’ he says .
24 A record company spokesman said : ‘ The American public had voted for a younger Elvis to grace their postage stamps and we took the hint . ’
25 The division on the Determination of Needs Bill debate in February 1941 was reprinted from Hansard , citing all 173 who had voted for the continuance of means calculations together with the ‘ sincere few ’ ( nineteen ) who had been carpeted for defying the Labour whip .
26 Symbolic , perhaps , of a ‘ gentler age ’ was the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and eleven Bishops in the Division lobbies , all of them supporting the Bill , in contrast with the solitary Bishop ( Chichester ) who had voted for abolition in 1948 .
27 At the initiative of the Lord Chief Justice , Lord Parker of Waddington , who , unlike his predecessor in 1948 , had voted for abolition , the Lords debated at Committee stage whether the penalty of life imprisonment for murder should be mandatory or discretionary .
28 Round about the time of the miners ' ballot , hospital workers were holding meetings in South Yorkshire hospitals where only months earlier they had voted for all-out strike action .
29 In the French general election of 21 October 1945 , 75 per cent of electors had voted for Communist , Socialist or Popular Republican Movement ( MRP ) candidates .
30 If we go back to the education example , and suppose that the first vote is between L and M , then if the rich vote sincerely L wins , and in the second round H defeats L. On the other hand , if the rich had voted for M in the first round , then M would have gone on to win in the second round .
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