Example sentences of "have relevance [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By concentrating on the value and significance of their experience , the counsellor will generate not only an important historical and social insight , particularly if a physical record is kept , but will learn about the impact of the war on the individual , that is , from the only perspective that has relevance to the counsellor .
2 It was said that " the House of Commons is not subject to the control of the courts in the administration of that part of statute law which has relevance to its own internal proceedings . "
3 For this reason the American experience has relevance to the United Kingdom , and perhaps vice versa ; and developments in law , medicine , the police force and the social services are worthy of the attention of those within education .
4 Clearly it has relevance to the design of effective risk management and collections systems and to the issue of customer service in its widest sense .
5 But it also has relevance to the pro-active marketing of credit and , to my mind , nicely illustrates the crossroads the industry has reached and the opportunities that lie beyond it .
6 His argument has relevance for any set of historical circumstances , including the present day , in that it suggests that relationships between young adults and their parents , including patterns of reciprocal exchange between them , are closely related to the capacity of young people to earn a wage .
7 They see the range of responses from deep and bitter grief to awkward attempts to simulate grief where it no longer has relevance for the relationship .
8 A study of this kind has relevance for attempts to provide new forms of living environments for other client groups .
9 People will look at it and see if it has relevance for them .
10 On the contrary , it draws attention to the dangers of introducing western technology outside , and even in the west it 's a good illustration this of the extent to which or work in countries overseas has relevance for Britain , because we have done a great deal of work on the implications for the unemployment problem of having technology which requires too much capital , which has a very ratio of capital to labour .
11 The CAB has developed considerable skill in training , as this chapter has demonstrated , and much of it has relevance outside the CAB as well as inside .
12 In this regard , the acknowledgement that ‘ Working with the whole class … reinforces the social cohesion of the class ’ ( 4.5 ) has relevance in Catholic religious education where the view of the class as a community of faith is recognised .
13 Does it have relevance beyond the interaction of developed capitalist states ?
14 This sliding-scale approach might still have relevance to the Post Office Act , on which that case turned , but it has little to do with obscenity as defined in the 1959 Act .
15 So , for instance , the interpretations can have relevance to a place of work .
16 Perhaps much of what Sickert taught does not have relevance to all of us today ; perhaps many of his doctrines are outworn , his opinions unsystematic , but looking at the smouldering vigour of the painting , and the sinewy strength of the drawing in the works now on view at the Royal Academy , it is difficult not to feel that here is the work of a real artist , of a man who knew what he was doing — and why .
17 However , techniques that are developed for theoretical purposes or for other applications may have relevance to the present project , and this is indicated where appropriate .
18 In addition many of the initiatives relating to adults will have relevance to this age group .
19 The Code may also have relevance to unitisation proposals which are in competition with an offer to which the Code applies .
20 The residence of the trustees does not generally have relevance for the purposes of stamp duty .
21 Furthermore , both jus ad bellum and the law of arms control turn out to have relevance to the actual conduct of armed conflict .
22 can be seen to have relevance to measures of output .
23 Our findings have relevance for moral philosophy , but the philosophers can be left to draw their own conclusions — as they will do in any case .
24 Aspects of sexual law which have relevance for social work lie in the following Acts .
25 There are a number of implications to be drawn from this observation which have relevance for the context of data .
26 We need brands that have relevance to both the high street and European market , which is far more brand-conscious than our own . ’
27 Sir , in making reference to erm policies which erm have relevance to the question of the status of the two sites we 're concerned with , I will start with those which are part of the statutory plan , that is to say the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan approved by the Secretary of State , and then proceed downwards to the more recent documents which do not employ .
28 Now , we riders all understand that the movements the horse makes generally have relevance in everyday riding .
29 One does not wish to repeat oneself unduly and the reader is referred to other parts of this book which have relevance in this matter of sexual offences against children ( see Chapters 4 and 5 ) .
30 Julie Cliff asks questions about Mozambique ( such as , has donor-dependence meant donor control ? ) which have relevance in many other settings .
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