Example sentences of "have be educate " in BNC.

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1 The Royal National Institute for the Blind has been educating and caring for blind people for one hundred and 25 years .
2 Which Labour MP lost a libel action against the Observer partly because he 'd been educated at Berkhamsted School ?
3 ‘ If I 'd been educated proper , I expect I 'd be able to talk more , ’ said Dolly , ‘ specially if I 'ad good looks and not just a sort of orphanage face .
4 Most Hoorays you are likely to come across will have been educated at a public school .
5 The bride might have been educated , might have travelled , might speak English well , but she would wear gold and henna , she would dress and look the part of an Al Ain bride .
6 Elijah Menahem may have been educated in France , perhaps at Sens .
7 He succeeded to his barony as a minor in July 1742 and may have been educated at the English Jesuit College at St Omer in France .
8 who would have been educated at home by her mother .
9 Descartes could not avoid being a product of the Counter-Reformation , having been educated at the Jesuit College of La Flèche .
10 Having been educated at Summerhill herself , I should imagine that these are the only areas of activity in which Zoe has much competence .
11 Mr. Barron works as a quantity surveyor , having been educated at Sandbach School and on an RAF Flying Scholarship .
12 Having been educated mainly at home , she attended Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1881 to 1882 and was encouraged by the headmistress , Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , to become a writer .
13 This should be translated : I personally , off the top of my head sitting in my study , never having visited the Arctic , never having seen a polar bear in the wild , and having been educated in classical literature and theology , have not so far managed to think of a reason why polar bears might benefit from being white .
14 They sent him to proper schools — the first royal child not to have been educated by private tutors — but he was never just another pupil ; he was never allowed to forget the accident of birth that set him apart .
15 Desiderius was an aristocrat from Aquitaine , where he seems to have been educated .
16 Of the 766 hereditary peers listed in Dod 's Parliamentary Companion in 1987 , almost all had been educated at public school , no less than 371 of them — almost half — at Eton .
17 There had been rich Christians before the time of Constantine , there had been educated or upper-class people to be found in Christian communities , and in growing numbers during the century before Constantine .
18 For many years there was a tradition that the noted scholar , Roger Bacon , had been educated in St Mary 's Chapel , Chalford ( this later becoming the mill ) , although by Rudder 's time , this had been effectively disproved .
19 It was true that he had been educated at a public school , but he managed to disguise this handicap very well .
20 Young Bessie had been educated and did not wish to follow her mother 's trade , selling pickle-cocks , dabs and oysters around Devonport .
21 Perhaps none of it was very good , but it was at least the beginning of something true in the lives of people who had been educated to falsity .
22 They behaved towards each other like boys who had been educated at rival private schools .
23 In London the situation was very similar to those of Glasgow and Edinburgh , particularly in that many deaf adults had been educated at the Old Kent Road Asylum where they received religious instruction from two earnest ministers , the Rev. Henry Mason , Rector of Bermondsey , and the Rev. John Townsend .
24 Bromhead had been educated at the private school for the deaf in Rugby and was a fluent writer and reader of German , French and Latin .
25 He was not the only deaf person connected with the legal profession for Wakefield , Yorkshire , had a fully practising solicitor , Gerald Smith , of the firm Beaumont , Smith and Beaumont , who had been educated at the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb , Doncaster .
26 It was spotted by William Robertson , then aged 20 , a deaf man who had been educated at the Aberdeen School for the Deaf , and who had only been at sea for one year .
27 Mark had been educated in England and later decided to live there , and it had been because of him that Harriet had first decided to come to London , though nowadays she saw little of him .
28 William Pitt the Elder [ later Earl of Chatham ] had been educated at Eton and Oxford before briefly serving in the cavalry and entering Parliament , for the ‘ rotten borough ’ of Old Sarum .
29 Born in London of an Irish mother and a Scottish father , she had been educated at a convent school in North London .
30 John Leacock had been educated at Christ 's Hospital in London and been apprenticed to a firm of British merchants in the island , Catanach & Murdoch .
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