Example sentences of "in [art] 1930s " in BNC.

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1 Writing as he was in the 1930s , he expressed his pleasure at the extensive documentation and reference material available to the student of art , instancing the growth of libraries and art historical teaching .
2 This took such forms as the praise of regionalism in the United States in the 1930s , Marxist criticism in London or New York , or Communist positions taken by Italian critics after the Second World War .
3 As will be seen in the next chapter , when the republican wing under de Valera took over as the Fianna Fáil party in the 1930s , constitutional law was restructured , according to both a reformed republican ideology and current Roman social teaching , and in those areas where the high clergy thought it necessary .
4 Since the work of S. S. Stevens in the 1930s and later , it has been recognized that , although the Weber-Fechner Law holds for many sorts of sensory experience , the exponent varies widely ; nevertheless , the principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus , neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact and now appears to be well-established .
5 Steel frames were widely available in the 1930s , but these early frames were liable to rust and could soon look tacky .
6 His major work was done in Russia in the 1930s and 1940s , he suffered Stalinist repression , was partly rehabilitated , and died in 1975 , at a time when very few people in the West had heard of him .
7 When Scholes proposes ‘ studying texts ’ he invokes the terminology of semiotics , but he is , in effect , working in a tradition of rhetorical analysis that has always been an element in institutional English study , and which in the 1930s resulted in the work of Leavis and Thompson and other Scrutineers on contemporary culture and its artefacts .
8 And in the 1930s he had been unforgiving towards these friends of his youth .
9 I have the impression that the novels of Phyllis Bottome are now little read , though I remember my mother borrowing them from the local library in Barnsley in the 1930s , and speaking of them with respect .
10 But it should be clear to us now that the English hide which she thought so ‘ thickly padded ’ was in fact morbidly sensitive — certainly as long ago as Beerbohm 's spitefulness in the 1930s , and perhaps as long ago as Robert Nichols 's inexusable review of ‘ Homage to Sextus Propertius ’ in 1920 .
11 In the 1930s critics so variously and widely influential as Allen Tate , Yvor Winters and F. R. Leavis each in his own way considered Pound 's criticism , or some of it , and then instructed their readers that that criticism could safely be ignored .
12 Scraps of the local railway system , which died in the 1930s , can be seen imbedded in Los Angeles boulevards like fragments of a lost civilisation .
13 FRANCIS GOODMAN was one of the many bright talents that flourished in the art of taking fashion and portrait photographs in London in the 1930s .
14 Known as FJ Gutmann in the 1930s , he anglicised his name to Goodman for the war years , serving in the ranks as a soldier before becoming attached to the Royal Air Force 's Photographic Interpretation Unit at Medmenham by the war 's end .
15 On the other hand , Stanley Morison , responsible for the typographical identity of The Times in the 1930s , was not an adroit penman — he simply had an unerring eye for good typefaces and strong composition .
16 He was asked if he had known about the attrocities committed under Stalin in the 1930s , and whether he would have liked to be returned to the Soviet Union labelled traitor at the end of the war .
17 The strict pedagogic methods and moral precepts being worked out in 1922 by A. Makarenko at a microcosmic level near Poltava were to be taken over and applied wholesale to Stalin 's Russia in the 1930s .
18 The aim of creating a sense of prime loyalty among members of the colony , which was small enough for them to know each other , did not constitute any kind of a threat to central authorities in 1922 , but it would not have been tolerated in the 1930s , when family members were encouraged to spy on one another in the state interest .
19 Makarenko revived the military model in microcosm , and his strict pedagogical methods were adopted on a vast scale in the 1930s by Stalin , who reawakened many other lingering aspects of military-inspired government .
20 Together with Germany in the 1930s , Russia since 1917 has had the most penetrating system of political propaganda , but it was severely hampered at first by inefficient technical means for dissemination over vast spaces and many minority nationalities .
21 The contractors who mainly tender for local authority contracts would continue to do so , just as in the 1930s , when private building was unrestricted , they built close on 100,000 council houses annually .
22 Why of course : the Essoldo had been built for these middle class folk in the 1930s — they were Patrons !
23 In the 1930s you learnt how to behave as a human being from movies .
24 Harold Macmillan , for example , never forgot his experience as an MP in the economically depressed north-east of England in the 1930s .
25 Yet doubts about political patterns may be overdone and result in a denial of such phenomena as a New Deal in the United States in the 1930s , Gladstonian Liberalism in the late nineteenth century , or collectivist politics after 1945 .
26 Yet the really important decisions , affecting the whole shape of politics in the 1930s , were those made in September and October 1931 ; it was these decisions , and not the formation of the National Government itself , which were to determine the configuration of party politics for the rest of the decade .
27 Under the chairmanship of Juan Trippe PAA had rapidly increased its position in the 1930s , enjoying a monopoly on US flights across the Pacific to Japan and China , into Latin America , and over to Britain .
28 Keynes 's own policies have often been misrepresented : in the 1930s , for example , he was well aware of the structural problems of British industry , and did not believe that unemployment could be reduced much below 12 per cent .
29 The introduction of cash crops in the 1930s further reduced the amount of land available for food production .
30 In the Islamic communities of the savannah religious reformation tended to reinforce entrepreneurial skill , as demonstrated by the Murid Brotherhood in Senegal and in the development of the ‘ Reformed Tijianiya ’ ( a more fundamentalist and anti-colonial Islamic movement ) which also originated in Senegal but spread through much of the savannah in the 1930s .
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