Example sentences of "['s] view [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The move challenges Pretoria 's view about the pace of reforming apartheid .
2 I share also my hon. Friend 's view about the reform of the United Nations .
3 Bearing in mind the fact that the first complaint in this case was made on the advice of the Leicestershire children 's rights officer , will the Secretary of State reconsider the Government 's view about the appointment of those officers ?
4 There is much to be said in this writer 's view for the encouragement of service to the community in these and many other ways , and for the encouragement of individual responsibility and parental control of their children : but the Conservative vision is essentially one-dimensional .
5 There was a scramble to finish luncheon , and due regard was not paid in Auguste 's view to the seriousness of the John Dory as a fish .
6 The paper 's usual film reporter would write the story from Miranda 's notes ; he 'd already attended several days ' shooting of the new , as yet untitled film , the first Meursault to be made in Britain , which was a supreme sign that the decade was making all the difference to the world 's view of the country , and its relation to the avant-garde .
7 First , there is the kind specifically concerned with literature , or with an aspect of it : for example , the Russian Formalist notion of ‘ literariness ’ as linguistic defamiliarization ; Bakhtin 's view of the novel as ‘ heteroglossic ’ , a carnival of competing voices ; Todorov 's poetics of narrative , German and American reader-response theories .
8 The phrase which begins ‘ WORDS ’ offers French writer Joseph Joubert 's view of the responsibility we all share for the language we use .
9 Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills , attitudes and ideas , which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child 's view of the purpose of education .
10 The conclusions may depend sensitively on one 's view of the accumulation process .
11 Also , many Christians , especially in Scotland , were influenced by Baxter 's view of the Gospel as a new law , or ‘ Neonomianism ’ as it became known .
12 This was the European Court 's view of the requirement of the West German Insurance Supervision Law to the effect that foreign insurance undertakings must set up an establishment in West Germany and ‘ keep available there all the commercial documents relating to that establishment ’ , for which separate accounts must be kept .
13 Unusual and atypical — not only for its lack of classical allusions — Nicolas Poussin 's View of the Tiber Valley recedes planimetrically while evoking oriental airs of contemplation .
14 We have seen in this chapter how , in less than half a century , man 's view of the universe , formed over millennia , has been transformed .
15 Brian Attwell , managing director of industry analyst Gartner Group UK Ltd , backed IBM 's view of the mainframe 's continuing role in the future of information technology .
16 Whatever one 's view of the tendency which led to the attempt , the attempt was doomed .
17 Legrand 's view of the transformation of the Earth science model in the twentieth century is self-confessedly based on the view of Laudan , that research is guided by a number of competing ‘ research traditions ’ , rather than a single paradigm .
18 So it is with some surprise that the soft left has found itself endorsing Byrne 's view of the conduct of those around him .
19 The experience of becoming feminist inevitably leads to changes in one 's view of oneself , and in one 's view of the rest of the world .
20 Apart from providing some insight into Halliday 's view of the way in which theme is realized in discourse , the discussion of topic is also of particular interest here because it highlights an area of considerable potential confusion for translators interested in the thematic analysis of topic-prominent languages .
21 Despite the above , the market 's view of the company remains positive : ‘ the high 5.5% dividend yield , continued commitment by top management to global leadership and … a solid backlog of consignments for 1993 ’ are all cited as reasons for inspiring confidence on the New York stock market .
22 Duck 's view of the harvest feast is much harder than Leapor 's .
23 This information parallels Sheldrake 's view of the DNA as being an antenna to receive information for the field , as well as a physical component in the genetic process .
24 Whole schools do not happen because the head alone has a greater view of the school , they occur because everyone 's view of the school is extended and embraced ( Southworth 1988:327 ) .
25 The school 's view of the child , in which concepts such as sociological views ( EPA areas ) , psychological views ( schools for maladjusted ) , intellectual views ( grammar schools ) and finally the new hybrid , the technological ( CTCs ) , may affect the education a child receives .
26 The staff 's view of the child .
27 In a letter to The New Republic , complaining about critic Stanley Kauffman 's view of the film 's ‘ moral stance ’ , Webb wrote :
28 It could be said that scripture 's view of the Devil and the evil spirits is mythological .
29 In any case , all of these uses evoke the speaker 's view of the possibility of someone being so audacious as to perform the event denoted by the infinitive , and all imply a negative prejudice against such a thing being possible .
30 Chomsky 's view of the problem of language acquisition can be simply illustrated .
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