Example sentences of "['s] interest [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was in Virgin 's interest for the Sex Pistols to continue working together with or without McLaren .
2 A tenancy granted for a term of years certain of which not less than three years remain unexpired is an owner 's interest for the purpose of serving blight notices ( Town and Country Planning Act 1990 , s168 ) .
3 Both sets of elements are formal , but the work 's interest for the Formalist ( or rather , the specifier ) will lie in the interrelation between the foregrounded and the subservient elements .
4 The only possible resolution of the difficulty would have been to obtain the consent of both Mr. Brant and the plaintiff to reveal Mr. Perot 's interest to the other .
5 Emmie 's interest in the story had evaporated during the telling of it .
6 This chapter deals principally with the situation where the husband and the wife hold the matrimonial home in their joint names ( whether as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common ) and , as a result of property adjustments , the husband 's interest in the home is conveyed or transferred to the wife 's new husband or friend .
7 Part of Keith 's interest in the documentary style of photography he excels in was , perhaps , further fuelled by the amount of time he has , over the years , spent in part-time social work which has given him access to various kinds of care units .
8 In other words , whatever the applicant 's interest in the subject matter of the application may be , that interest not only determines whether the applicant has standing but it also dictates the nature and terms of the relief to which the applicant can expect .
9 When Insurers settle a total loss they acquire two types of rights — the entitlement to take over the Policyholder 's interest in the subject matter insured , and all the Policyholder 's rights and remedies in respect of the casualty which caused the loss .
10 I know of the hon. Gentleman 's interest in the subject .
11 I understand that you wish to call to see me to discuss CPRW 's interest in the work of the Forestry Authority in Wales .
12 In The Emperor 's Clothes ( 1953 ) Kathleen Nott called the Christian revivalism of Eliot , Lewis and others no better than a revived superstition ; and in a scathing attack on contemporary dogmatics and the anti-progressive views of literary Modernism she remarked , in tones of ultimate scorn , that Lewis 's interest in the Devil had plumbed unusual depths .
13 It may be the start of a long slide away from the story you have to tell and if you let that happen you will , however quick and exciting the dialogue , eventually threaten your reader 's interest in the whole .
14 5.9.10 Within [ 28 ] days of any assignment charge underlease or sub-underlease or any transmission or other devolution relating to the Premises to produce for registration with the Landlord 's solicitor such deed or document [ or a certified copy of it ] and to pay the Landlord 's solicitor 's [ charges of [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] for the registration of every such document or reasonable charges for the registration of every such document such charges not being less than [ £20 ( twenty pounds ) ] ] [ 5.9.11 Notwithstanding clause 5.9.1 the Tenant may share the occupation of the whole or any part of the Premises with a company which is a member of the same group as the Tenant ( within the meaning of Section 42 of the 1954 Act ) for so long as both companies shall remain members of that group and otherwise than in a manner that transfers or creates a legal estate ] On the one hand , the tenant will wish to deal with the premises in the most cost effective manner , even if this means subletting parts and , on the other hand , the landlord will wish to exercise fairly strict control over alienation , first by ensuring that any assignee is able to pay the rents reserved by the lease and perform the tenant 's obligations under it , and second by ensuring that at the end of the term the landlord is not left with a subtenant of a small part of the premises , which could affect the value of the landlord 's interest in the whole .
15 These payments are calculated on 8.75 per cent of the sales value of production from 8.62608 per cent of the Ninian field [ 50 per cent of the Group 's interest in the field ] after deducting Government royalties and operating costs incurred in extracting the oil and conveying and treating it at Sullom Voe .
16 The word used by English law to denote the tenant 's interest in the land is the word ‘ estate ’ .
17 Compensation is payable under three heads : for any depreciation of value in the claimant 's interest in the land , for disturbance in his enjoyment of the land and for the expense of carrying out any works in compliance with the Order .
18 The requirements upon issue are : ( 1 ) filing by the applicant of the originating application ( N312 ) , a copy of each named respondent and two further copies ; ( 2 ) an affidavit in support with the same number of copies for service ; the affidavit should state : ( a ) the applicant 's interest in the land ; ( b ) the circumstances in which the land has been occupied without licence or consent and in which his claim to possession arises ; and ( c ) if it be that the name of any person occupying the land is not stated in the originating application , that the applicant does not know the name of such person .
19 When he saw Scott 's interest in the history of the valley he arranged for men to clear out the rubbish which had accumulated in Hermitage castle so that the visitors could inspect the dungeon .
20 Davide skipped the list of signatories and went on : ‘ The late Don Antonio 's interest in the thought and teachings of Pythagoras led him , the family allege , into heresy , and ultimately in his last days , into dementia praecox , aggravated by the debilitating epilepsy from which he had suffered since his middle years .
21 The only clue ( and one I ignored at the time ) , was Selkirk 's interest in the Abbey of St Denis to the north of the city .
22 Some scholars , however , see Matthew 's interest in the Church as going beyond the mere mention of the word .
23 It did not occur to Alice to question Félix 's interest in the dress she was wearing until , her toilet completed , she finally went back downstairs .
24 Though Berkeley 's interest in the problem connects with his immaterialism , he is continuing a discussion to which not only the Aristotelians , but also Hobbes , Gassendi , and Locke , made contributions .
25 Though Berkeley 's interest in the problem connects with his immaterialism , he is continuing a discussion to which not only the Aristotelians , but also Hobbes , Gassendi , and Locke , made contributions .
26 Yussuf 's wife , Fatima , was flattered by Owen 's interest in the state of her marital relationship and after some hard bargaining agreed to return to Yussuf .
27 We may infer that Nietzsche , although now somewhat distanced from the detail of Schopenhauer 's doctrines , had shortened the distance under the stimulus of Wagner 's interest in the philosophy of music .
28 Hanging around with the photographer sparked Tony 's interest in the medium , ‘ It was a combination of things ; one was the bull , the adventure , the romance , and I really found that I liked it a lot .
29 ( c ) Where a beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body dies , a member may notwithstanding sub-paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) of this Rule , continue to hold such share for the personal representative of the deceased for a period of not longer than twelve months from the date of the death ; provided that voting rights shall only be exercised in respect of any share held in reliance on this sub-paragraph where the only personal representative in respect of the deceased beneficial owner 's interest in the share is a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body .
30 ( c ) Where a beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body dies , a member may notwithstanding sub-paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) of this Rule , continue to hold such share for the personal representative of the deceased for a period of not longer than twelve months from the date of the death ; provided that voting rights shall only be exercised in respect of any share held in reliance of this sub-paragraph where the only personal representative in respect of the deceased beneficial owner 's interest in the share is a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body .
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