Example sentences of "['s] idea [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , both tactics are ways of using other people 's ideas as a stimulus for producing ideas yourself .
2 If you are n't very good at thinking of ideas , try using other people 's ideas as a springboard for your own .
3 And this is not the only place in The Exile where Pound shows himself restive inside the image of himself that had been built up among initiates by his propaganda of fifteen years before , when he had taken over ‘ imagism ’ and championed Ford Madox Ford 's ideas about a diction for poetry that should be ‘ plain ’ and ‘ direct ’ .
4 The interests and power of the railway companies put paid to Holbrecht 's ideas for a Ringstrasse and for a north-south through boulevard .
5 Nowadays , most people 's idea of a tribute to the transgressive joys of altered states is ‘ A Trip To Trumpton ’ .
6 With her hair cut off she did n't even look like any normal Victorian parent 's idea of a daughter .
7 ‘ My husband 's idea of a night of sex , ’ she informs me , ‘ was wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am . ’
8 VERTICAL , horizontal , angular fibre soil erosion materials are not the average fan 's idea of a talking point , but they could hold the key to better pitches .
9 Mr Yeltsin is not everybody 's idea of a hero .
10 It was n't Jazzbeaux 's idea of a hobby , but there were more dangerous people in the world .
11 " You 're not a bit like anyone 's idea of a landlady .
12 The awful prospect of dropping a priceless Ming vase , everyone 's idea of a nightmare , is minimised by working in pairs , with one person observing the necessary details from a safe distance and the other handling the object .
13 Tim 's idea of a mess is to put his hands in it and got shooooo
14 HE 'S 5ft 3in tall , looks older than his 48 years , and is nobody 's idea of a film star .
15 The first segment ( a ) contains a description of Gardner 's appearance which , although it may list the respects in which Gardner deviated from Carver 's idea of a writer , does not necessarily communicate an accurate impression of Carver 's initial reaction .
16 ACTOR Bill Maynard is not most people 's idea of a sex symbol .
17 ‘ I see it now — it 's that stupid young fool 's idea of a joke , to pay me out for objecting to the way he 's been behaving towards Rose !
18 The king 's son had a young man 's idea of a joke : he thought he 'd test the courage and much-vaunted toughness of Albuin .
19 ‘ Hell , is this someone 's idea of a joke ?
20 Fine , frank face , gentle and benign — not at all one 's idea of a leader of a rebellion . ’
21 But The Orb 's idea of a party is a strange one .
22 In the case of quantum gravity , Feynman 's idea of a sum over histories would involve summing over different possible histories for the universe : that is , different curved space-times .
23 From 1975 onward I therefore started to develop a more powerful approach to quantum gravity based on Richard Feynman 's idea of a sum over histories .
24 The mare ( whose show name is Miss Piggy because of her pink nose and greediness ) does not look like most people 's idea of a dressage horse .
25 These days , the average Brit 's idea of a crime was a drunken assault on a Pakistan grocer .
26 Warren Beatty may not be everyone 's idea of a role model , but this film star has been involved in Democratic Party politics since most male White House staffers were singing soprano .
27 And although his glitzy Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove , California , is not everybody 's idea of a parish church , in its own way that is what it is .
28 A TEETOTAL Sunday school teacher from Reigate was nobody 's idea of a movie mogul .
29 And Mrs Prentice 's idea of a gamble was £10 each way .
30 He is an ordinary bloke , everybody 's idea of a bank manager .
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