Example sentences of "[noun sg] to perform [art] contract " in BNC.

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1 So far as cancellation and termination are concerned , in most conventional types of contracts , the seller would wish to perform , or be given the opportunity to perform the contract .
2 Bound up with the question of compliance with specification is the question of acceptance , since , until the goods have been accepted by the buyer , the seller can not be sure that he has discharged his basic liability to perform the contract , even if he has delivered the goods to the buyer .
3 Sections 3(1) and 3(2) of the UCTA prevent the use of an exemption clause to exclude liability for breach , deviation or failure to perform a contract , in whole or part , unless it satisfies the test of reasonableness .
4 Clearly , total exclusion of liability for failure to perform a contract at all because of wilful default will not be reasonable under s 3 .
5 Equally , total exclusion of liability for failure to perform a contract at all because of circumstances beyond the control of the party in default ( ie reasons of force majeure or an act of the other party ) will conversely be reasonable in nearly all circumstances .
6 Total exclusion of liability for failure to perform a contract at all is unlikely to be reasonable where it occurs because of acts or omissions within the control of the party in default , which are caused by negligence , incompetence or inadvertence but not wilful default ( " inadvertent default " ) .
7 Either he can at once accept the anticipatory breach as a repudiation and immediately claim damages or else he can refuse to accept it as a repudiation and wait until there has been actual failure to perform the contract ( as opposed to an anticipatory one ) .
8 said that conditions ‘ go so directly to the substance of the contract or , in other words , are so essential to its very nature that their non-performance may fairly be considered by the other party as a substantial failure to perform the contract at all . ’
9 The first was based on the concept that a contract might contain a fundamental term — a core obligation — so that a failure to perform the fundamental term would amount to a total failure to perform the contract .
10 However , there are two common alternative legal structures by which the purchaser can assume the vendor 's obligation to perform a contract namely : ( a ) novation ; or ( b ) sub-contracting or agency arrangements .
11 The Carrier shall be relieved of its obligation to perform the contract to the extent that the performance thereof is prevented by failure of the Trader , fire , weather conditions , industrial dispute , labour disturbance or cause beyond the reasonable control of the Carrier .
12 The duty to perform a contract can not be derived from the principle of respect for autonomy .
13 Contracts for the loan of money and supply of goods to infants and ‘ accounts stated ’ with infants were made altogether void , while the possibility of ratification was taken away from all those contracts which required ratification to make them binding upon him after attaining full age ; and even a new promise to perform the contract , whether made upon a fresh consideration or not , could not be enforced by action .
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