Example sentences of "[to-vb] ourselves [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we all of us want to escape ourselves and remain ourselves , want to leave ourselves behind and take ourselves with us , want the world transfigured and yet to remain ourselves in a transfigured world .
2 This feeling that we must fight to preserve ourselves against a hostile world is paralleled by deep male fears of losing bodily integrity and idenity .
3 ‘ Get into the main street , we can try to lose ourselves amongst the other cabs . ’
4 The press also showed an encouraging understanding of our mission to establish ourselves as a world-class scientific and engineering services business .
5 We 're going to lock ourselves inside the fragile skin of a small floating home , and all of us , three of us anyway , at odds and full of motives I did n't understand .
6 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
7 We seek to rid ourselves of the awful thought that we might have some responsibility for what has happened .
8 So to sum up , if we want to help ourselves towards a healthy heart and a long and happy life we need to eat a low fat diet , take regular exercise and stop smoking .
9 But we wanted from the start to dissociate ourselves from the arrogant and ignorant belief that in some mysterious way English is superior to other languages , and that children who speak Bengali or Hindi at home should abandon these languages as soon as possible .
10 IMAGINE the reaction if , say , Ladbroke came to its shareholders and said : ‘ The Government have decreed that we will have to rebid for our betting licence in 1992 , and to put ourselves in a better position to win it we are taking on borrowings equal to our equity and giving our managers around 15 per cent of the company . ’
11 We need to put ourselves in the other person 's shoes . ’
12 We do — quite practically and with useful influence — if we choose to cast ourselves as a vigorous , amending , debating part of the European team .
13 ‘ I do n't want to know , ’ Sophie interrupted sharply , then , seeing that Helen looked rather ruffled , she added in a more conciliatory tone , ‘ It 's just that , although I 'm very interested in what goes on in that practice on the veterinary side , I do n't really think we ought to interest ourselves in the personal ups and downs of the people working there . ’
14 ‘ We are confident we have done nothing wrong , but need to protect ourselves from the arbitrary and capricious actions of our adversaries . ’
15 We 've struggled against a background of the Charter Review in the BBC to match ourselves to the changing needs of the audience .
16 We 're in the Division there with them and we 've we 've got to try and win enough of them to get ourselves into a charging position .
17 Our terms of reference made it clear that we were to concern ourselves with the English curriculum for all pupils , whatever their mother tongue .
18 Herbert Morrison wrote shortly before the 1933 Labour Party Conference : If the Socialist League point of view were approved by the Party it would drive us to defend ourselves for the greater part of our time against Tory allegations of Bolshevism and dictatorship .
19 We shall have to ask ourselves in the next lecture to what extent they succeeded with so little Latin at their disposal .
20 It is to remind ourselves of the radical demands of God , and to realize that to call the Christian gospel ‘ good news ’ is to concentrate on only half the story .
21 Although we do not need to reconsider all the issues relating to the corporatisation of local government during the 1970s , it is important to remind ourselves of the widespread adoption of policy and resources committees , consisting of the senior elected members ( with sub-committees specialising in land , finance , personnel and performance review ) .
22 We try to involve ourselves with the Austrian authorities as little as possible . ’
23 As with any other area of living , we need to commit ourselves to a Christian world-view and not be tempted to borrow from secular philosophy .
24 Their memory and remembrance — rediscovered and kept alive in historical reconstruction and actualized in ritual celebration — encourage us in historical solidarity with them to commit ourselves to the continuing struggle against patriarchy in society and church .
25 It is useful to avail ourselves of the general habit of personifying the law and talking of what it requires , permits , claims , authorizes , etc .
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