Example sentences of "[to-vb] anywhere [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Rodger Bell QC , for Mr Bewick , suggested that his client had a ‘ bee in his bonnet ’ about surgeons being able to work anywhere at a drop of a hat .
2 " No man shall be allowed to work anywhere without a certificate from the Masters ' Union and no man allowed to take passage on any steamer to leave this country unless he produces his certificate .
3 In a recent case involving a driver of a heavy goods vehicle an oral promise was made by one of the driver 's managers that the driver , a Mr Rump , would not be required to work anywhere in the UK , as mentioned in his contract of employment , but only in the south of England because of special family ties .
4 The tribunal interpreted the implied mobility clause in Mr Bowles 's contract that he could be sent to work anywhere in the UK to mean that he could ‘ ordinarily ’ be sent to work anywhere in the UK .
5 The tribunal interpreted the implied mobility clause in Mr Bowles 's contract that he could be sent to work anywhere in the UK to mean that he could ‘ ordinarily ’ be sent to work anywhere in the UK .
6 You have to be both token woman and superwoman to come anywhere near a shortlist that disenfranchises most of the male population .
7 It marks the only point in the entire story where Abraham 's feelings are allowed to come anywhere near the surface .
8 The Red-Hot Gruncher makes it impossible for us to walk anywhere in the wood . ’
9 I remember that between a death and the subsequent funeral the street would be very quiet , pianos were locked , children were not allowed to play anywhere near the house and on the day of interment , all blinds were drawn , whilst as the cortege made its way to the Cemetery people would stop , the men always removing headgear .
10 5 Airborne Brigade is the Army 's ‘ Instant Readiness ’ Force , and is able to deploy anywhere in the world in a matter of days .
11 You learn to sleep anywhere in the Army !
12 Parliament listed a number of goods , known as the ‘ enumerated articles ’ , which the colonies were not allowed to send anywhere outside the empire , and which were to be carried out only in ships from England or from the country of origin .
13 They will , under certain restrictive conditions , be allowed to practise anywhere in the country , instead of only in their place of residence ( or abroad ) , as previously .
14 ‘ I adored Bristol and if I had to live anywhere in the world , I would come back and live here .
15 Each requires us to be able to produce a ( pseudo- ) random value , u k equally likely to lie anywhere in the range 0 to 1 .
16 There 's a lot of effect available , but although the ME-6 has its own programmable EQ I had to employ the combo 's tone controls to get anywhere near the results I wanted .
17 The Laird of Quarrel did not have the slightest intention of sharing the spoils of office with Craigbarnet , but he was unlikely to get anywhere near the office without strong interest , and those upon whom he relied were ready to see the wisdom of returning to the old practice of sharing the office .
18 To get anywhere near an understanding of News Corporation 's accounts , you usually have to wait for the figures it is obliged to file with America 's Securities and Exchange Commission .
19 The cursor will change , and you will be free to move anywhere within the field .
20 We are talking here not specifically about DNA , but about the basic ingredients needed for life to arise anywhere in the universe .
21 It incorporated a Spanish proposal whereby EC citizens would be allowed to reside anywhere in the EC ( currently they only had the right to work throughout the EC ) and to vote in local and EC elections .
22 With one of the slenderest majorities to defend anywhere in the country , Mr Forsyth could be forgiven if he looked worried .
23 It was very unusual for him to go anywhere on a Thursday , whether Porteneil or any further afield .
24 Some of you might be thinking , well , I 'm never going to advocate , I never intend to go anywhere near a court .
25 None of them wanted to go anywhere near a police station .
26 They spent so much time in Zap Zone at Streatham , scampering about in clouds of dry ice , zapping each other with laser guns , so many hours watching Neighbours or running up and down shopping-malls , playing Super Nintendo , they had probably not had time to go anywhere near a mosque or get their heads round the basics of Islamic education .
27 He posted the detective constable he had with him back down the path to join his colleague , armed with instructions to repel all attempts by anyone , however senior or armed with whatever authority , to go anywhere near the body unless he , Sergeant Black , personally accompanied them .
28 Of course the Captain forbade me to go anywhere near the place again .
29 But just around a bend in the road an opposition supporter who was frightened away from the station , Mr Ram Raj Upadhyaya , said : ‘ We are all terrified and afraid to go anywhere near the polling station .
30 Lahaina 's sponges can be folded or rolled to go anywhere in the filter .
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