Example sentences of "[to-vb] ahead with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With both at 33 , Cambridge began to draw ahead with the advantage of the long Surrey bend .
2 Martin Bangemann , the second most senior European commissioner after the EC President , Jacques Delors , does not share Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's sympathy with Major 's parliamentary difficulties , issuing statements about the need to press ahead with the union which only serve to anger further the rebel Tories .
3 She was glad at last to have a use for information from Robert : it justified her relationship with him and her decision to press ahead with the case .
4 The government 's decision to press ahead with the work , allegedly without carrying out an adequate environmental impact assessment , led to a threat of legal action from the European Commission [ see ED no. 52 ] .
5 The first real indication of the mood of the new House came on Wednesday , 3 June 1992 , the day after the Danish ‘ no ’ vote and a few hours after the prime minister had told Parliament that he intended nevertheless to press ahead with the bill ratifying the Maastricht Treaty .
6 However , health campaigners , who reacted angrily to warnings that the axe could fall , have decided to press ahead with the meeting , saying they can not trust the healthcare trust .
7 On the basis of this greatly enhanced authority the EP decided to press ahead with the task of unifying Europe and to this end produced a draft treaty establishing a European Union .
8 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
9 Speaking to journalists , the former deputy Labour leader on Liverpool council hit out at the police decision to press ahead with the action against him .
10 DEREK HATTON , the former Labour politician cleared yesterday of plotting to defraud Liverpool city council , last night hit out at the police decision to press ahead with the action against him .
11 Despite such setbacks a commitment to press ahead with the deal had been provided by the Malaysian Defence Minister , Najib Razak , during a visit to London in early June .
12 There had been hopes that the workforce would agree not to press ahead with the step if management agreed to reprieve 70 jobs until next April .
13 There had been hopes that the workforce would agree not to press ahead with the step if management agreed to reprieve 70 jobs until next April .
14 Despite this obstacle , Sturt was determined to press ahead with the expedition , and on 19 May he appealed to Gould to exert any pressure he could on Lord Derby to encourage his son , Lord Stanley — who was then Secretary of State for the Colonies — to back the proposal .
15 Hrawi underlined his determination to press ahead with the security plan on Oct. 24 when he formally ordered all militias to leave Beirut and to hand over positions to the Lebanese Army .
16 A battery of three ovens ( plus the ex-Scanro one waiting in the corner for assembly ) and an impressive array of moulds make AC Canoe Products very strongly placed to forge ahead with the production of rotationally moulded kayaks .
17 The ministry said that it intended to go ahead with the slaughter of the flock ‘ as soon as possible ’ .
18 However , she finally decided not to go ahead with the lawsuit .
19 On 20 December ACAS decided to go ahead with the balloting , though Grunwick refused to supply the names and addresses of those working .
20 The First Band itself may have seemed of small significance at the time compared to parliament 's apparently much more crucial decision one week after it was signed to go ahead with the marriage negotiations .
21 The decision to go ahead with the press conference two days later was finalised ; Pons edited a note alerting his staff to this effect , called Jones on the phone to reconfirm the joint submission for Friday the 24th but , according to Jones , said nothing about the press conference planned for the day before nor of the 11 March submission by Pons to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .
22 All of us should know by now of the decision taken at the special church meeting on 13th May to go ahead with the purchase of the Camphill building .
23 A full council meeting is due to go ahead with the formality of passing the decision taken in January by members of Durham County Council 's social services committee .
24 Kennedy decided to go ahead with the plan .
25 Prime Minister V. P. Singh 's decision to implement the reservation scheme generated widespread civil disorder throughout northern India , and his determination to go ahead with the plan despite the unrest was a major political gamble .
26 A spokesman for the Housing Corporation , which regulates housing associations , said they were refusing to go ahead with the scheme without funding for running costs .
27 To be perfectly frank , I need Number 29 if I 'm going to go ahead with the scheme . ’
28 Erm the committee took into account my er my comment but still decided to go ahead with the scheme .
29 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
30 NATO decided to go ahead with the cruise missiles before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and against a background of Soviet-American agreement in the Salt 11 talks on strategic weapons .
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