Example sentences of "[to-vb] directly with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( Automation , computer systems , and so on , should not have been introduced to reduce the number of staff but to free qualified staff to work directly with the library users . )
2 If however the local officials in the state of origin have access to appropriate procedural guidance , there is no strong reason of principle why they should not be allowed to communicate directly with the Justice Ministry or other central authority of the state of destination .
3 However , on Dec. 11 the Israeli Foreign Minister , Moshe Arens , dampened the mood of optimism by calling for further assurances that Israel would not be expected to talk directly with the PLO .
4 The surveyor may fail to abstract the available data into a suitable form to compare directly with the bill of quantities or estimate .
5 Often , the vendor will prefer to deal directly with the venture capitalist rather than with the management .
6 Rechtschaffen 's is a lucid , insightful account of the phenomenology of dreaming , which , despite the many advances that have been made in understanding the natural history of sleep and dreaming , remains unusual in attempting to deal directly with the experience of dreaming .
7 Chairman , can we have your guidance on this , we have a report and we have a short video , by which I do mean a short video , do you wish to see the video , or do you wish to deal directly with the report ?
8 Egyptian insistence on this position would lead to a withdrawal of Israeli participation , given the refusal of the Prime Minister , Mr Yitzhak Shamir , to deal directly with the PLO .
9 Egyptian insistence on this position would lead to a withdrawal of Israeli participation , given the refusal of the Prime Minister , Mr Yitzhak Shamir , to deal directly with the PLO .
10 By forcing the companies to reform their practices and structures , the Government is also forcing them to deal directly with the role of the unions in the ITV sector .
11 On the contrary , there was attempts to the life of our Emir during the Iraq/Iran war because we were taking relatively trying to be neutral there , and there was a bomb attack on him , and he personally survived it , a few others died , and it had to do directly with the Iran/Iraq war .
12 It will be able to negotiate directly with the Council on proposed amendments rather than going through the Commission and , in the last resort , it will be able to reject the agreed position of the Council on legislation , although it is unlikely to do so often .
13 It is a route which has much appeal to vendors but tends to be detested by purchasers who dislike the control placed on their ability to negotiate directly with the vendors .
14 If this is the case then the inquirer may be best advised to negotiate directly with the Revenue in the manner that he suggests , namely to establish that the donations are non-taxable receipts and that the only taxable income should be in respect of investment income and any trading profits .
15 After further meetings Habyarimana , who refused to negotiate directly with the rebels , agreed to a ceasefire beginning on Oct. 24 , but this quickly collapsed .
16 Simulation , interactive design and decision design are all names for a technique requiring the user to interact directly with the computer .
17 The atoms can then be made to interact directly with the laser beam , as in the so-called collinear methods , or they can be converted to an atomic beam by heating in a small hot tantalum tube .
18 Such ‘ photons ’ could be made to interact directly with the nucleus , where transition energies are comparable with gamma-ray energies .
19 For the community as a whole , total saving will tend to vary directly with the level of income .
20 The relationship that the building surveyor is able to develop directly with the client is unusual in its closeness , and has a special significance in that it enables him to be identified as the expert in the area of work under inquiry .
21 Legislation is needed , too , to remove firms ' ability to register directly with the SIB — a right that has muddied the boundary between it and the SROs it oversees .
22 The alternative to some form of conversion system is to purchase a printer which has been modified to operate directly with the Spectrum , just as Sinclair 's own ZX Printer does .
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