Example sentences of "[to-vb] upon [adj] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 One answer to such a detailed approach has been to revitalize the notion of large-scale geomorphology for example ( Gardner and Scoging , 1983 ) but another has been to concentrate upon human activity as providing a focus centred around the central system ( p. 156 ) .
2 What inversion of values makes us to look upon such aberrations as though they were a reflection of natural laws ?
3 I suspect that , apart from being a most interesting fish for the hobbyist , at some time in the future scientists may come to look upon this fish as particularly interesting because of its many divergences from the normal Mbuna characteristics — in its habitat , less boisterous behaviour , relatively mute coloration , size dimorphism , sexual precocity , large brood size and small fry .
4 At least two-thirds of Americans have never had any reason to think of the British as their Anglo-Saxon cousins ; the East European émigrés who ran the studios were no more likely than their successors to look upon British producers as partners , and nobody would queue to see a film just because it was British .
5 ‘ … to regard negligence as the normal requirement of responsibility in tort , and to look upon strict liability as anomalous and unjust seems to … mistake present values as well as past history .
6 It was on that occasion — in the strangely bare study of Darlington Hall — that Mr Farraday shook my hand for the first time , but by then we were hardly strangers to each other ; quite aside from the matter of the staff , my new employer in several other instances had had occasion to call upon such qualities as it may be my good fortune to possess and found them to be , I would venture , dependable .
7 One view which can be taken in the light of this decision of the House of Lords is that it is unsafe to rely upon Junior Books as establishing any general principle of liability , a view which accords with the recent decisions of the House of Lords in Caparo v. Dickman and Murphy v. Brentwood DC .
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