Example sentences of "[to-vb] control [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In taking steps to tighten control over the peasantry and the zemstvos , the government saw itself consolidating the alliance between State and nobility .
2 If Tanzania 's ban fails to secure the required two-thirds majority , the Cites secretariat is ready to propose a range of measures to tighten control on the trade .
3 But this did little to consolidate control over a country claimed but not subdued and when Duke Philip of Burgundy broke from his alliance with the English to pledge support for Charles VII at Arras in 1435 , the days of English rule in France were numbered .
4 This led to involvement in a wide range of speculative projects throughout Europe , North America , and the West Indies , and the huge resources at his disposal enabled him to embark on a vigorous attempt to secure control over the affairs of the East India Company .
5 The NPFL 's advance had enabled it to secure control of the port of Buchanan , 100 km south-east of Monrovia , after fierce fighting on May 23 .
6 His ‘ deepest motive was the drive for personal power ’ , and he worked tirelessly to concentrate control of the party into his own hands .
7 There were fears that the army and military police would now move quickly to impose control on the Miguel Castro Castro prison in Lima , where an estimated 900 Sendero inmates had created no-go areas to emphasize their political status .
8 In both the serial and parallel interface some extra wires are needed to provide control over the sending of the information .
9 This broader definition of community empowerment has been referred to as communities having equity and capacity to solve problems ( Naparstek et al , 1982 ) ; having abilities to identify their own problems and solutions ( Braithwaite and Lythcott , 1989 ) ; having increased participation in community activities ( Chavis and Wandersman , 1990 ) ; and enabling individuals and communities to increase control over the determinants of health ( Health Promotion , 1986 ) .
10 An attempt to regain control over the peasants ' movement
11 These tough measures are part of a determined effort by the newly independent country to regain control of a resource that has been systematically plundered over the past three decades .
12 With the torn sail he was powerless to regain control of the glider .
13 Now this is the time when you must watch them , because it can take from two to two days , two hours from two , two hours to two days to regain control of the brain , depending on the person and if it 's , happens outside and they want to get away , stress the fact you get up and run under a bus and they do n't mean to obviously
14 As recently as 1949 a Dutch officer had committed some appalling massacres here in a misguided attempt to regain control of the colonies for Holland .
15 After years of frustrated attempts to regain control of the site , Hindu extremists brought the issue to an explosive head this year by threatening to tear down the crumbling mosque and build a temple devoted to Lord Rama .
16 I found it difficult to regain control of the beast .
17 The Pennsylvania contest was seen as crucial to the Republican Party 's efforts to regain control of the Senate in 1992 .
18 The authorities failed to regain control of the situation .
19 Over the next few hours , however , the latter were able to regain control of the situation and turn it to their advantage .
20 In 1922 , following a brief period of Home Rule Party — Sinn Féin rule , the abolition of proportional representation in Northern Ireland in local government elections and a readjustment of the ward boundaries enabled the Unionists to regain control of the corporation .
21 Treatment may include helping the person to regain control of the bladder with help from a community nurse or continence adviser .
22 Malay unity , according to UMNO doctrine , is the only way for Malays to regain control of an economy unfairly usurped , most Malays believe , by Chinese immigrants and their descendants .
23 The fighting between the UVF and UDA , and the struggles for power within the UDA , did much to damage the reputation of the working-class loyalist organizations and to permit the professional politicians to regain control after the UWC strike .
24 In order that the system can meet the required standard of availability , and to simplify control of the archive , lexicographers are only presented with a sub-set of dictionary entries at any one time .
25 By 1987/88 the overall army head-count was 642,500 , including 6 armoured divisions , 4 mountain divisions ( to strengthen control of the north ) and 15 People 's Army brigades .
26 It urges countries to assert control over the exploitation of their genetic resources through legislation and levies of royalties , fees and taxes on their use .
27 But Innocent recovered and immediately began to exert control over the bishops .
28 Women are more likely to exercise control over the household budget .
29 According to their arguments , shareholdings have become too fragmented for individuals to exercise control over the companies in which they have a stake .
30 The governing body therefore now has much greater potential to exercise control over the life and work of the school .
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