Example sentences of "[to-vb] together [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For all the world as if she and Miss Beard were ladies of quality , he ceremoniously handed them into the carriage , the two of them to sit together in the back , while Herbert Fraser sat beside Sean in the front .
2 Apparently he thought that she and Mitch would get into no end of mischief if they were allowed to sit together in the back .
3 If she would like the family and close friends to gather together for a meal or light refreshments after the service and committal , you will of course have prepared for this beforehand .
4 It is good for leaders to be aware of these if only to see that to gather together towards the Lord may take some time .
5 More so at that time when companies were culled from post-war part-blackout part-music hall Britain to cling together for a while on what usually became the wreckage of a production .
6 He was beginning to find pieces which seemed to go together with the hint of a pattern …
7 I used to discuss with my brother ways and means of becoming martyrs , and we agreed to go together to the land of the Moors , begging our way for the love of God , so that we might be beheaded there … .
8 But no one else could sustain Ambrose 's pressure , stomach cramps that forced Patterson to leave the field after seven overs was a further handicap and Wessels and Kirsten , the two most experience batsmen , dug in to remain together till the close , their stand then worth 95 .
9 To keep their jobs , employees and managers began to pull together as a team .
10 He asked Americans to pull together in the name of patriotism .
11 I am a Labour supporter with many friends carrying cards , and , despite having observed the ‘ anti-Labour virulence ’ of the SNP , I do want Labour to come together with the Nats , the Liberals , the Greens , the Unions , the churches , the mosques , the synagogues , Uncle Tom Cobbley and all .
12 It is more like a slow process of sifting , in which , by a long series of stages , and with many pauses , grains of one kind tend to come together in a heap ’ .
13 On Nov. 6 it was announced that four Oromo organizations , the OPDO , the Islamic Front for the Liberation of Oromia ( IFLO ) , the United Oromo People 's Liberation Front ( UOPLF ) and the Oromo Abo Liberation Front ( OALF ) , had agreed to work together towards the creation of a " broad-based national entity " .
14 The local education authority , and participating employers , in planning to work together for the benefit of young people , will need , early on , to clarify their modus operandi .
15 But to be effective they all have to learn to work together for the good of the school .
16 Accompanied by two of his closest advisers , foermer Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda and Sanya Dharmasakdi , he appealed to them to work together for the sake of the people and the economy .
17 Saturday might begin by dividing the participants into small groups of three or four , each composed of people from different communities so that everybody will be encouraged to work together as a team rather than rely on ‘ traditional ’ dominant group-leaders .
18 It will help to ensure that educational priorities remain at the forefront of planning and that the school continues to work together as a team .
19 The teacher , librarian and media officer need to understand each other 's special skills in order to work together as a team :
20 The UUUC candidates consented to work together as a group at Westminster .
21 One way to encourage children to work together as a group is to ask them to discuss their explanations of a particular event .
22 They became collectively known as the Brat Pack because , like the original Rat Pack , these young actors tended to work together as an ensemble .
23 At last , the hand — held European anti — tank missile BRITAIN , France and West Germany have decided to work together on a family of new missiles that will destroy , tanks .
24 By Aug. 27 the US Defence Department and the ICRC announced that they had agreed to work together on the airlift .
25 The staff members that are transferred may have a frustrating period before they become acquainted and learn to work together on the project .
26 This objection can easily be overcome by allowing two students to work together at the terminal — a method which appears to facilitate learning .
27 A bishop should be a leader and I will try to work together with the members of the dioceseabout women priests .
28 It 's the first chance everyone has had to work together with the technology , and it shows .
29 The exercise allowed the practices , health board , and hospitals to work together with the Department of Health to develop fundholding without the anxieties of dealing in real money .
30 It is the will to work together of the people involved that produces curriculum benefits .
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