Example sentences of "[to-vb] on [prep] [art] job " in BNC.

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1 It would take about an hour and a half to fix and heat up the oven ; and , of course , once it was started we had to carry on with the job of re-tyring .
2 The Minister warned : ‘ He may be able to carry on in the job but he can not do so effectively .
3 Electronics industry consultant Bob Heikes reckons he 's likely to hang on to the job , but for all the wrong reasons : ‘ Bull is hopeless , ’ he told the International Herald Tribune — ‘ a new guy is n't going to make any difference . ’
4 I 've got to get on with a job I 'm paid to do . ’
5 They all smelt of useful newness , seeming eager to get on with the job .
6 It 's almost as if some teachers hold the belief that the best parents are those that are docile and ignorant about the school , leaving the professionals to get on with the job .
7 If LEAs take their assigned task seriously , schools may begin to hanker for the days when they were given the tools and told to get on with the job .
8 All I wanted was to be left alone to get on with the job I 'd been trained for and loved .
9 Each person has never sought an honour or payment for their selfless work , preferring quietly to get on with the job .
10 They want to get on with the job , and are afraid of what a former Archbishop of York , Stuart Blanch , has described as ‘ analysis paralysis ’ setting in .
11 I like to be left to get on with the job
12 The Ferret was never happy when anyone other than himself was examining a scene of crime and it seemed to Dalgliesh that his impatience to get on with the job came through the wall as a palpable force .
13 AI workers are , by and large , naive materialists and mechanists , and for them those are not positions to be justified , but simply assumptions that allow them to get on with the job of constructing mechanical analogues or simulations of ourselves , who are , in Minsky 's memorable phrase , ‘ meat machines ’ .
14 He wants to be left alone to get on with the job , including completing Knowsley 's ‘ positive futures ’ programme to develop a direct services system for supporting those in need living in the community .
15 it gives you more time to get on with the job of managing your business .
16 The ministries become bogged down in detail when their energies and resources should be concentrated more on overall policy , and the ad hoc commissions grow disillusioned and frustrated because they are not allowed to get on with the job .
17 Some argue for much greater administrative decentralization , to remove the ‘ Whitehall bottleneck ’ , and urge that central government gives more thought to the formulation of clearly defined policies so that local authorities can be safely left to get on with the job within a clear policy framework .
18 Ace also felt a twinge of sadness for the Colonel , but felt it best to get on with the job in hand .
19 Ideology apart , managers have to get on with the job of managing , maintaining society as a going concern , and upholding organisational goals with the cooperation of other members .
20 He wanted to get on with the job of examining the clothes and , he hoped , identifying the body , but he had another job to do first — to call on the River Police and give them such facts as he had .
21 Lucy had no intention of reverting to the former subject , so she said in a determined voice , ‘ I would like to get on with the job .
22 Will she send out a message to those who oppose smoking and belong to the brigade who say , ’ Do as I say and as I instruct you , ’ to the effect that they should leave ordinary people to get on with the job of smoking and supporting the economy ?
23 That is why we have ensured , through our know-how funds and all the other means at our disposal , that we are providing economic advice and sound advice for training members of the former republics to get on with the job of economic reform .
24 Mind you , she asks a lot of questions which tend to drive you insane when you want to get on with the job , and sometimes I used words not heard in the best society .
25 All the strained confusions of the night are over , all the sleepless impatience to get on with the job .
26 It gives local government in Wales the money it needs to provide high quality services and to get on with the job .
27 Mr Saville added : ‘ If they slap a CPO on the site , then it will be up to the councils to get on with the job of reclamation .
28 We have now to get on with the job of saving the plant . ’
29 We have now to get on with the job of saving the plant . ’
30 ‘ Now we 've got to get on with the job at Arsenal and try to get back .
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