Example sentences of "[to-vb] as [adv] as possible " in BNC.

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1 Please arrange for the solicitor to come as soon as possible so that I can sign the necessary papers .
2 you want a police to come as soon as possible , and you want to , to deal with it because it 's a priority to you .
3 It is accordingly the main aim of this chapter to indicate as far as possible how The Silmarillion in particular should be read .
4 I have in mind How To Read , a disastrously misnamed little treatise , since its real subject is How to Write , and it is addressed to what Pound called ( with the engagingly dated Edwardian elegance that he never wholly shed ) ‘ the neophyte ’ — that is to say , to the young American writer who wants to know as soon as possible , though at the expense of considerable exertion which he is prepared for , how to assemble his kit of tools for the job in hand and others that he can dimly foresee .
5 This period balances the interest of the offeror to know as soon as possible the number of shareholders willing to accept its offer together with the amount of finance that it requires ; the interest of the target company not to have its business disrupted for too long ; and the interests of the shareholders in the target company to weigh up the merits of the bid .
6 ‘ I want to know as soon as possible . ’
7 I thought you 'd want them to know as soon as possible . ’
8 I need to know as soon as possible now whether we can do these surveys or not so I can fill the policies in .
9 It was very important to know as near as possible the number of kibbles which could be mined weekly " upon which the projects of gaine or loss are to be framed . "
10 In particular , it is important to know as precisely as possible what evidence satisfied Lanfranc and Anselm in pursuing a policy which was opposed to papal policy , and to the most forward-looking thinking on ecclesiastical government of their time .
11 It 's a huge contract , and management are eager to get the plants four hundred and fifty staff back to work as soon as possible .
12 Even when Bevin as British foreign secretary speedily found himself entangled in tough disputes with the USSR , this did not lead him to follow Churchill 's line that Britain had of necessity to work as closely as possible with the United States .
13 Whilst we agree with the sentiments in MPG6 , paragraph 85 , that the planning system should be expected to work as efficiently as possible in expediting minerals applications , we believe the quality of decision-making is more important than its speed , given the significant issues involved .
14 Whilst we agree with the sentiments in MPG6 , paragraph 85 , that the planning system should be expected to work as efficiently as possible in expediting minerals applications , we believe the quality of decision-making is more important than its speed , given the significant issues involved .
15 They were instructed to fob them off with promises in order to get them back to work as quickly as possible .
16 This new wave of anonymous buildings , designed to slip as quickly as possible through local authority planning procedures , has ripped the heart out of Hammersmith .
17 The impulse here had been to establish as securely as possible the stability of the field by identifying an essential and continuous Englishness which was equally present in such disparate forms as Anglo-Saxon poetry and the modern novel .
18 make every effort to retrain as soon as possible
19 He also called on ANC president Nelson Mandela and Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi of Inkatha to meet as soon as possible to end political violence in the region .
20 All mature students intending to apply are recommended to write as early as possible to the appropriate faculty for guidance , giving full details of their educational background and their experience in employment .
21 The effect was the same : junk was suddenly less attractive , and anyway much of it was now in the hands of federal rescue agencies keen to sell as quickly as possible .
22 In line with recent methodological trends , the stories are enjoyable for their own sake , and aim to resemble as closely as possible the style of book children would choose to read in their first language .
23 The committee agreed to urge the Scottish Office to progress as soon as possible and to continue talks on the role of the public sector in the new bridge and its future management .
24 This was at a time when the same gp160 product was being vigorously touted by MicroGeneSys as a prophylactic vaccine candidate ; a time when , as now , being able to mimic as closely as possible the natural viral antigens was held to be important for such a vaccine .
25 Recipients of services , whether they are referred to as users , clients or patients , are entitled to be consulted about their treatment and care and to participate as fully as possible in decisions about their lives .
26 It is also worthwhile explaining that the recording is intended to capture the child 's natural language and that the adults should try to behave as normally as possible and should not make any special efforts to get the child to talk .
27 It is also important to eliminate as far as possible any air pockets in pots of meat and fish .
28 Working with a partner , A asks B open questions , which B tries to answer as briefly as possible .
29 A asks B closed questions , which B tries to answer as expansively as possible .
30 Corbett turned to his guide to ask what was happening but found the man had had enough sense and discretion to depart as quickly as possible .
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