Example sentences of "[to-vb] out into the street " in BNC.

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1 I had to walk out into the street to find my way home as if nothing had happened . ’
2 You 're preparing me to go out into the street , but I still have to go back to the system first .
3 er and of course I 've known Walter for years but I do n't know his wife , I 've never met his wife and of course not being able to get out into the street now , I should get out for about two years after I lost my husband and then I got this er awful pain nobody knows unless they have it er this arthritis in my knees , you see , and erm and then I found that it was too much for me to er otherwise I used to walk up to the post box road and I used to count the steps , three hundred and something steps there and three hundred and something back , you see , and to the front door , you see , but I , I ca n't do it now but I have with help and I went out last year with er Mrs and er twice we went to Dulwich which I enjoyed and so did she and the last time we went to and er we had our lunch and we went to see my cousins at West Suffolk and and , and then came home again , you see , and that 's the only time I went out last year and usually I used to go to for a day and I am hoping that if I , I am hoping , well you can only hope , that I might perhaps go so out one Sunday , once , just once in the , you see , because er , th that 's when when you 're old you 've got to keep , you 've got to hope for something
4 Panting , she waited , but the madman never paused , seeming to hurtle out into the street still cursing and yelling .
5 In some emergencies , as when a young child tends ( despite previous explanations and warnings ) to rush out into the street , the point made above is not a matter of primary concern .
6 Some of the local Red Cross employees had taken refuge in the office , unable even to step out into the street .
7 He walked beside them on the pavement , three abreast , so that pedestrians coming towards them had to step out into the street .
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