Example sentences of "[to-vb] at least [num] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In January 1991 the Supreme Court ruled that the adjournment was in breach of the Constitution ( which contained an obligation for the legislature to meet at least three times a year ) , causing Namaliu to announce that the legislature would reconvene in May .
2 After two months in kennels they move on to the dog supply unit for 11 months , during which time they will be required to train at least six dogs up to the blindfold standard , and pass the guide dog trainer examination .
3 Those with no record of social security contributions , in other words new entrants to the labour market , have to work at least 26 weeks if they are to be eligible for Unemployment Benefit when they lose their jobs .
4 According to Charles Rycroft , Artemidorus required to know at least six facts about a dream before it could be interpreted — " Whether the events depicted in the dream were plausible or bizarre ; whether they were approximately interconnected ; whether they were customary for the dreamer ; what events prior to the dream could have influenced it ; and the dreamer 's name and occupation " .
5 Full-time students are required to pass at least 7 modules in the first year of Stage II , their second year , to satisfy the requirements of a full-time year of study .
6 Over the next 12 months he expects the three to sell at least 10 systems solutions n the UK .
7 Start drinking plenty of bland liquids such as water , milk , weak tea or orange squash ( not orange juice or carbonated drinks ) , and aim to drink at least eight pints a day .
8 His pulse and blood pressure were recorded regularly and he was encouraged to drink at least 2 litres of fluid a day .
9 They had to serve at least two years as trainees in one of the main deaf centres before sitting for examinations and , if successful , being awarded a diploma .
10 Mrs Buttafuoco , 39 , begged the court to order her attacker to serve at least years .
11 Osborne , a 20-year-old crane driver of Leicester , was recommended to serve at least 10 years .
12 Donald Mackay , aged 41 , was jailed for life at the Old Bailey — and recommended to serve at least 40 years — for the murder of a prostitute , Ann Petherick , and for assaulting another prostitute , Rosemary Saunders .
13 Taking account again of the public concern about violent crime , in future I intend to exercise my discretion so that murderers of police or prison officers , terrorist murderers , sexual or sadistic murderers of children and murderers by firearm in the course of robbery can normally expect to serve at least 20 years in custody ; and there will be cases where the gravity of the offence requires a still longer period .
14 Power companies are under an obligation to install at least 100 megawatts of wind power capacity by the end of the year under contract to the government .
15 It is suggested that the UK 's existing LFA is assessed in order to define at least 3 zones of natural handicap within it , viz : —
16 It is likely that he did express a preference , for although his collapse was dramatic enough for premature reports of his death to reach at least two cities , he then rallied sufficiently to add codicils to his will .
17 It is likely that he did express a preference , for although his collapse was dramatic enough for premature reports of his death to reach at least two cities , he then rallied sufficiently to add codicils to his will .
18 What the model does is to suggest at least two things that need to be examined critically .
19 Chapters can be quite long , and that means I need enough of a working memory in the computer gubbins itself to handle at least 6,000 words at a time .
20 The initial requirement is for nine user terminals , although it is essential that it be possible to expand the system to handle at least twenty terminals should they be needed later .
21 The Children 's Tropical Forests Appeal has been set up to raise £10,000 to buy at least 285 acres of threatened tropical forest in the Jatun Sacha area of Ecuador .
22 My solicitor told me to expect at least four years because of my previous convictions : I 've got deception , deception , fraud , grievous bodily harm , assault , malicious wounding , drugs , deception and then again deception .
23 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
24 John 's gruelling daily schedule requires him to walk at least 15 miles every day carrying a 40lb rucksack to maintain an average 154 miles per week .
25 Mr Gandhi needs to win at least 200 seats nationally to be reasonably certain of being called on to form the next government .
26 Well now , during this twelve months I went out on the beats etcetera , I just merely picked it up , if I was in doubt about anything my sergeant would put me right and the atmosphere , the amount of discipline was quite severe , for instance , I always , we had always to parade at least ten minutes before the hour to be acquainted with what had happened since we were last on duty .
27 At its official relaunch , the new party leadership promised to field at least 250 candidates , and to concentrate on " politically interesting " seats , although it admitted that it could not win any .
28 Cut them when they are about half open , but not right down to the ground ; be sure to leave at least two sets of leaves on the stem .
29 I have known the condensation problems associated with ‘ drying out ’ to last at least two summers .
30 — The public inquiry is expected to last at least two months and three pre-inquiry meetings have been held two in Northallerton and one in Marton , Middlesbrough .
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