Example sentences of "[to-vb] at a [adj] date " in BNC.

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1 It is advisable , wherever appropriate , to get managers to certify entries in a learning diary and to include in it references which may be difficult to obtain at a later date .
2 There has also seemed to be a tendency among excavators either to cling rigidly to the date of a coin , or in the case of a pottery assemblage , to aim at an average date ; perhaps in some of the excavations of the thirties , the methods used were not refined enough for a director even to be sure that all the pottery came from a particular stratified layer , and if , therefore , a few sherds appeared which were out of dating context with the main assemblage , they could be put aside as ‘ intrusions ’ and ignored .
3 Bettino Craxi , whose leadership of the Socialist Unity Party was under serious challenge [ see p. 39114 ] , announced on Nov. 7 that he proposed to resign at an unspecified date and suggested Prime Minister Giuliano Amato as his successor .
4 Yet , embittered pigeons have a great tendency to come home to roost at a later date , wreaking merry havoc as they zoom in on perceived injustices and ensure that all and sundry realise the iniquities of their previous employer .
5 Impending bankruptcy It may be preferred to activate the power to expel at an earlier date in the bankruptcy process so as to minimise the damage caused to the firm by protracted , and possibly contested proceedings .
6 A contract may be written or verbal , but the intention of the verbal form may be more difficult to determine at a future date .
7 It is possible to arrive at a probable date for the birth of Jesus .
8 Resolved , That this House , believing it is in Britain 's interests to continue to be at the heart of the European Community and able to shape its future and that of Europe as a whole , endorses the constructive negotiating approach adopted by Her Majesty 's Government in the Inter-Governmental Conferences on Economic and Monetary Union and on Political Union ; and urges them to work for an agreement at the forthcoming European Council at Maastricht which avoids the development of a federal Europe , enables this country to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the Community while preserving the right of Parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency , on issues of Community competence concentrates the development of action on those issues which can not be handled more effectively at national level and , in particular , avoids intrusive Community measures in social areas which are matters for national decision , devlops a European security policy compatible with NATO and co-operation in foreign policy which safeguards this country 's national interests , increases the accountability of the Commission , enhances the rule of law in the Community including improved implementation , enforcement and compliance with Community legislation , improves co-operation between European governments in the fight against drugs , terrorism and cross-border crime , and through these policies secures the long-term interests of the United Kingdom .
9 The motion , eventually approved by a clear majority of 101 votes , declared that it was " in Britain 's interests to be at the heart of the European Community " but called on the UK government at Maastricht to pursue a policy which would avoid " the development of a federal Europe " and enable it " to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the community while preserving the right of parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency " .
10 Once all work on the system has been completed , then the ground must be tidied up and left in such a state that it is easy to assess at a later date what rabbits have been left behind .
11 Since the matter is important , I wonder if you would take the trouble to write to me again , indicating particularly whether such other arrangements as you will be making are likely to commence at an earlier date than one might otherwise suppose .
12 Article 10 of UCP 400 states that an irrevocable credit constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank , provided that the stipulated documents are presented and that the terms and conditions of the Credit are complied with , to pay at sight or to accept an obligation to pay at a future date .
13 Secondly , if the tenant is entitled to break at a specified date linked to a rent review , the effect of the break-clause may be to make time of the essence as far as the review is concerned ( United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council [ 1977 ] 2 All ER 62 at 77 , 98 ) .
14 And if you decide to cancel at a later date , you 'll receive a full , and prompt refund on all unmailed issues .
15 Ada Younger is to go out to Zimbabwe in the late summer and hopes to arrange for a group from the church to go at a later date .
16 Positivism particularly favours the indeterminate sentence : it is premature to decide at the time of sentence how long the offender should be detained for , since this may depend on how quickly the treatment works ; ideally therefore the release decision should be left in the hands of treatment experts to take at a later date .
17 Some firms are very flexible on this issue and where possible , allow them to relocate at a later date .
18 He was taken to the local police station , charged and bailed out to return at a later date .
19 The intention had been a fairly short , impressive strike which ended on a note of strength and with the obvious ability to resume at a later date should the government drag its feet on terrorism and law and order .
20 Everywhere , he said , he found ‘ a real sense all the parties want the negotiations to succeed and to resume at an early date . ’
21 As a result of that meeting , the leaders agreed to meet together to discuss the obstacles in the way of further political dialogue in the hope that new talks might be able to begin at an early date .
22 We expressed our reservations about the conditions attached to the pay review body — both the preconditions and the ability of the Minister or the Secretary of State to interfere at a later date .
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