Example sentences of "[to-vb] at any given [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be unusual to find at any given time , a significant number of staff in a school involved in part-time study or research activities . )
2 One of the advantages of using drama in this way ( when the narrative continues over a period of several weeks ) is that both the teacher and the children can change roles , enabling us to look at any given topic from different points of view .
3 Some of the things a good caddie was expected to know included a good knowledge of the game , to be able to advise the player on which club to use at any given moment ; a knowledge of the course , the length of its holes , its geography from tee to green and the subtleties and borrows of those greens , as well as the way it played in all weather conditions .
4 Well , I was erm trying to point out that the most stable element in a sense in a very changing system is pupil numbers , because you always know , pretty well exactly , how many pupils you are going to have at any given time .
5 It 's like a kind of flowing thing where no note has more value than any other , and where I do n't even know what 's going to happen at any given point .
6 It is assumed that a particular 's individuality , its numerical distinctness from any other existent , is ensured by the spatial location it happens to occupy at any given time .
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