Example sentences of "[to-vb] detail [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On July 14 the Congress had requested the US government to provide details of the type and number of US troops active in the country , with figures on those acting on community development programmes and anti-drugs operations respectively .
2 Please would you supply details of exactly what you sent to District Audit as , I understood I was supposed to provide details of the Parish Council bank accounts and copies of the bank statements at the audit on 7th May 91 .
3 Second , remember to provide details of the font you want , the System you use , software version number and , if possible , a laser proof .
4 He also had a small stable of girls working the docks , specializing in the new boats to put into harbour , and the girls had their instructions to discover details of the shipment … and there was always a bonus if they discovered an interesting cargo .
5 And the 82-year-old nun met Mirror officials to finalise details for the purchase of a property in one of the most deprived parts of South London .
6 Then the local Camra committee held a meeting to finalise details of the scaffolding hire , beer deliveries and drinking glasses .
7 Last night trained officers were trying to coax details of the ordeal out of the victim in an attempt to build a picture of the rapist .
8 Information on how business is conducted will be required and candidates also need to know details of the compensation and benefits package attached to the posting .
9 And Esther , now , suddenly tired of the Italian economy , dismissed it and Charles ( 'You do n't seem to realize , Charles , that I live below the reach of the economy , as an economic unit I simply do n't exist' ) , and peremptorily turned on Liz , demanding to know details of the guest list .
10 Thus if a test is given for diagnosing a difficulty it seems less relevant to decide on a boundary score than to obtain details of the nature of the difficulty .
11 An important service for distance learning students is the Henley Extended Learning Programme ( HELP ) which allows students to connect with a central database to retrieve details about the course , workshops , examinations and administration .
12 Hepper Robinson in Middlesbrough is run by two managers , Alan and Stephen Brown , who are due to receive details of the MBO deal from RE over the weekend .
13 The contract was secured against keen competition from other UK fire engineering companies due to WGFP 's close attention to design detail at the proposal stage and the development of a procurement and assembly plan to meet John Brown 's fast track site programme .
14 She went to Sarah 's house on Sunday to hear details of the evening but found her friend very subdued .
15 The Minister for the Economy , Mr. Richard Needham , pictured at a Press Conference called to announce details of the Laganside development .
16 THE FRENCH authorities expect to announce details of the design of the next generation of fast-breeder reactors at a nuclear safety conference next week .
17 Consider whether the participating member should be given the opportunity to discuss details of the request with the client .
18 Darlington 's new consultant haematologist visits the town next week to discuss details of the specialist leukaemia unit due to open this summer .
19 Mr Litman refused to discuss details of the money involved but his Russian associates are clearly expecting a considerable boost to their meagre pensions .
20 At a press conference on May 23 to discuss details of the programme , First Deputy Premier and State Planning Committee Chairman Yury Maslyukov declared that since " such a sharp transition [ to a market economy ] is impossible without national consent " , the Supreme Soviet should order a nationwide referendum on the reform programme .
21 For this reason it is helpful to record details of the elicitation and judgment process as it proceeds so that the bare bones of a grid can later have the flesh replaced .
22 If your shop accepts credit cards ( eg Access , Visa etc ) you will have a special form on which to record details of the transaction together with a machine which imprints the details from the card on to the form .
23 He and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze are holding talks here to finalize details of the summit , and to add impetus to Arms Control agreements the two leaders will be negotiating .
24 On grant aid the Council will be able to give details of the budget for revenue grant aid for 1988/89 , and indicate the position as far as is known on the likely budgets for the following two years .
25 He refused to give details of the type , quantity and condition of the explosive or identify the ‘ terrorist paraphernalia ’ , although it is possible this might include timing devices or detonators .
26 It needs to give details of the type of person seen by the organisation as most able to succeed in the foreign environment .
27 She refused to give details of the package , to be announced to complement the Budget on 16 March , to the employment select committee yesterday .
28 He declined to give details on the machine and Chen would say only that his new system is not the design that Cray Research Inc rejected , leading to Chen quitting Cray to start his own company .
29 It was further confirmed that while members of ASMT had been rightly involved in the process of planning the 93/94 visits via Plan requests etc. , ASMT meetings as such were not the place to negotiate details of the programme .
30 As winter approaches it makes sense to include details of the school 's procedures for short notice closures with a reassurance that young children will never be sent off to an empty home .
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