Example sentences of "[to-vb] talk with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Visiting Gao on July 23 during a tour of the north , Touré called on the rebels to lay down their arms and to hold talks with the government .
2 An opposition communiqué released on May 20 , however , expressed a willingness to hold talks with the government in order to pave the way for a return to democracy .
3 A FORMER British Aerospace executive hopes to hold talks with the company this week to keep alive a British bid for the 125 business jet .
4 He also announced the formation of a committee to hold talks with the opposition [ see pp. 37767-68 ] .
5 On Nov 20 a spokesman for Gailani had denied reports that he intended to meet Najibullah , and on Nov. 21 Mujjaddedi also denied meeting him , adding that " neither we nor our representatives are ready to hold talks with the puppet Najib or his representative " .
6 The Sinn Fein President , Gerry Adams , has said that the IRA agreed to a two-week ceasefire last May to allow talks with the Government .
7 The Development Minister , Mr Stoffel van der Merwe , and the deputy foreign minister , Mr Leon Wessels , are to have talks with the church leader on the maltreatment of blacks in the Ciskei .
8 But because they refused for one reason or another to dis you know to have talks with the press or television or the ministers , whoever , I think they they burnt their boats .
9 With the impact of Zhelev 's attack still reverberating , the 21-member UDF coalition held a national conference in Sofia on Sept. 18-20 and agreed to establish working groups to conduct talks with the President and the MRF .
10 His statement came after reports that Kurdish leaders , including the head of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan ( PUK ) , Jalal Talabani , had agreed to resume talks with the government following their rejection of new conditions for Kurdish autonomy .
11 AN ENGLISH-based ports authority is poised to begin talks with the Ministry of Defence over buying a large area at Rosyth Dockyard for a combined passenger and freight service to Europe .
12 On Aug. 21 the WEU meeting in Paris was informed that the West German coalition government was to begin talks with the opposition parties on a possible amendment to the constitution to remove this barrier , but it was thought unlikely that any such measure could be enacted before German unification had been completed .
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