Example sentences of "[to-vb] at a early [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The select committees , in contrast , were to be investigating bodies where policy issues were not of first importance , the principal task being to find out what was happening inside the various government departments , to inform the House and the public , thus bringing public opinion to bear at an earlier stage while policy was still relatively fluid .
2 It is essential to establish at an early stage the significance of the properties to the operations and overall value of the target business .
3 The challenge is to identify at an early stage those who are most at risk of developing serious complications so that appropriate treatment may be given .
4 This approach , far from just offering a comfortable sense of hand-holding , serves as an excellent safety net , as it helps us to identify at an early stage where a trainee 's progress may be for some reason deficient , and to take whatever steps may be needed to rectify the situation .
5 We also going to identify at an early stage the financial resources that will be in next year in order to meet our obligation with identifying worthwhile all the time and then by a course of are reserved er to , to support
6 If the results of assessment are used in the ways intended and if the evidence of research and HMI findings of good practice are heeded , these children should in fact benefit , because their problems with the English language will have been identified and appropriate action can be taken to help at an early stage .
7 ( 3 ) Where the offeror hopes to offer the target 's shareholders " roll-over " or " hold-over " relief ( see paras and below ) on a securities exchange , it is important to remember to apply at an early stage for an Inland Revenue clearance ( under TCGA , s138 ) in connection with the anti-avoidance legislation contained in TCGA , s137 ( see para below ) .
8 To allow pupils to start at an earlier age , teaching will start in P6 , though our system is designed to cope with entrants at P7 and S1 as well .
9 Impending bankruptcy It may be preferred to activate the power to expel at an earlier date in the bankruptcy process so as to minimise the damage caused to the firm by protracted , and possibly contested proceedings .
10 ‘ It is our intention to provide a full opportunity for organisations such as your own to contribute at an early draft plan stage before we proceed to the more formal statutory plan stage . ’
11 It is important , therefore , to consider at an early stage of the transaction the manner in which employees should be informed of what is happening to their employer .
12 Since the matter is important , I wonder if you would take the trouble to write to me again , indicating particularly whether such other arrangements as you will be making are likely to commence at an earlier date than one might otherwise suppose .
13 However , atherosclerosis appears to be more extensive and to develop at an earlier age in diabetic patients ( Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
14 The induction of newly qualified teachers into the local education business community must be a priority for TPS with partnerships as these teachers will be potentially the most innovative , and the most important to influence at an early stage .
15 But you also need to learn at an early stage how to manage the paperwork on your desk .
16 WITH REFERENCE to Robert Brooke 's letter ( WCM June ) regarding Geoff Humpage removing his pads to bowl at an early stage of a first-class match , on Saturday , July 17 , 1982 at Headingley he again removed his pads , and bowled the 12th over of the game .
17 Already for a number of years , employers have not been able to oblige women to retire at an earlier age than their male colleagues but by law must have a common retirement age that applies equally to both sexes .
18 Everywhere , he said , he found ‘ a real sense all the parties want the negotiations to succeed and to resume at an early date . ’
19 As a result of that meeting , the leaders agreed to meet together to discuss the obstacles in the way of further political dialogue in the hope that new talks might be able to begin at an early date .
20 Some of these changes seem to occur at an early stage of the neoplastic process .
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