Example sentences of "[to-vb] [art] [adj] kind [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the main , however , most people welcomed the proposals , among the most heartening of which was one to allow developers to invest private capital in hospital closure programmes in order to enable the right kinds of alternative accommodation to be developed .
2 I want to see the right kind of deal for electricity consumers in Northern Ireland .
3 So I , I think it 's difficult to sustain the same kind of relationship .
4 We can say with certainty that we would be able to mount the first kind of display ; but at the moment we can not be so certain about the travelling display which , although the more attractive proposition , has much more significant resource implications .
5 Theoretically , we might expect this to be so , since the same environment tends to support the same kind of organisms , but in fact the persistence of some fossils appears to go far beyond what we know at the present day .
6 Each Holy Roman Emperor , the supreme example of an elected monarch , had to accept the same kind of limitations when he was chosen by the imperial electors .
7 Initially , Ranganathan used an ad hoc approach to analysis and citation order , but by the fourth edition he had started to establish the different kinds of facets to be found in each class .
8 But her supper table was renowned ; it was likely to attract the right kind of dissolute young man , coming out of the theatre or on his way to a private gambling party .
9 In the present situation , the ASEA could never be a remedy for the ‘ general wastefulness of industry ‘ ; instead , its proper role was in helping employers to get the right kind of boy , and boys to find the right kind of employer and to ensure that training was effective , both in terms of the workshop and of continued education .
10 Within the development zone new incentives need to be devised both to attract high calibre general practitioners and other primary health care workers to the inner city and to encourage them to provide the right kind of services .
11 Pug people say their club is classless , but the dogs do seem to attract a certain kind of owner .
12 The government has at last realised the importance of preserving the eco system as a way to attract a new kind of tourist ( with more culture and money to spend ) who will see Gran Canaria not just as cheap holidays in the sun but as a living island .
13 Nevertheless we can say at least that his preoccupation with history has been consistent throughout : the articulation of repressed history in Madness and Civilization ( 1961 ) , the historicity of history in The Order of Things ( 1966 ) , the epistemic mutation of history and the theoretical difficulties of historiography in The Archaeology of knowledge ( 1969 ) , and the attempt to write a different kind of history , ‘ genealogy ’ , that demonstrates the emergence of new forms of power in Discipline and Punish ( 1975 ) and The History of Sexuality ( 1976–84 )
14 After he became a Communist , Neruda consciously tried to write a different kind of poetry incorporating a political message and which would be comprehensible to working people , the most famous and successful example of which is his Canto General .
15 Perhaps the clearest indication of this is his reluctance to postulate a single kind of community that was the ‘ natural ’ occupant of any particular territory .
16 He managed to establish a strange kind of relationship with them .
17 Most assessment procedures are developed in order to provide a particular kind of interpretation and because of this the criteria against which the child 's language will be evaluated are implicit in the procedure .
18 Personal delight and considerable sensitivity is evident in his work ; whether the delicate pencil studies of his middle years or , later , in his watercolours in which he seemed to find a new kind of inner freedom .
19 The fundamental design concept of a microcomputer is that it should provide real computing power to tackle the same kinds of task that larger computers handle but in a machine which is almost as easy to use as a calculator and typewriter .
20 Since many of these problem drug users were known to have taken or be taking more than one drug , they were classified according to a hierarchy of six drug-use categories , in order to simplify the numerous kinds of polydrug use exhibited .
21 Piaget 's claim is that the cognitive difficulties which infants come to resolve ‘ on the plane of action ’ in infancy reappear , in childhood , ‘ on the plane of [ verbal ] concepts ’ and have to receive the same kind of solution — by way of the direction , inhibition and co-ordination of cognitive acts .
22 Show me any homebuilder who ca n't say the same thing about his project , but the finish-it-in-thirty-days-using-only-domestic-handtools ! brochures never tell you that , nor that it may take you weeks just to create the right kind of workplace in which to build your masterpiece .
23 At each outlet there is swanky retail space , used to sell every imaginable kind of car accessory , from compact-disc players and car televisions to designer car seats , sporty steering wheels and even perfume to make leather seats smell sweeter .
24 Composer Philip Glass has managed to create a new kind of music .
25 The initial plan was to use the prison world to create a certain kind of readymade atmosphere .
26 In fact , as we shall see in Chapter 3 , he was beginning to evolve a new kind of conservative philosophy , and this was in no sense a time-serving decision , so that when Coleridge returned to ‘ orthodox ’ religion , his interpretation of Christian doctrine was strikingly original .
27 To begin with , then , we need to identify the different kinds of focus and modes of argument that are possible , so that you can gain a general sense of the elements which are combined together in an essay in literary studies .
28 But , initially at least , it seemed to express the right kinds of sentiment .
29 It 's very difficult then to exercise the same kind of partnership control which traditionally those firms had .
30 ‘ We are trying to identify a particular kind of knife .
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