Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] a specific [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting that , as the opportunity to paint for a specific exhibition has offered itself , a freer and less tentative approach can be seen both in subject matter and technique .
2 A kitchen timer that rings to indicate to the child when they have managed to sit for a specific length of time can be linked to the reward chart .
3 Brig Cumming said a key element of the plan was to ‘ picket the people ’ in other words to set up communications lines so that all levels of the factions from top commanders down to local warlords and the actual troops manning barricades were aware of the nature of the convoys and when they were planned to pass through a specific area .
4 Working towards achieving the certificate will ensure that you are gaining experience in all the areas necessary to work within a specific sector of the freight industry .
5 Each item of such a carefully considered scheme will have been intended to stand in a specific position in Kent 's rooms .
6 From our point of view we 're not in the position and it would be totally wrong of us actually to try in public to deal with those or to come to a specific conclusion about any particular proposal .
7 These functionally convenient but artificial demarcation lines have made the timetable easier to handle and have provided security for teachers who knew that for a single or double period their task was to concentrate on a specific subject .
8 I want you to concentrate on a specific area , so you want to retain control .
9 For students who have already achieved a Standard Grade in Science at Grade 3 and who wish to progress in a specific science area it would be possible to construct a programme using an appropriate context with the modules :
10 When a company decides to sell to a specific target market , it is employing market segmentation .
11 Here a solicitor would work in a department with several others and can choose whether to remain a generalist handling a range of legal problems , or to specialise in a specific area of law such as employment law or intellectual property .
12 Secondly , it is better to focus on a specific cause of concern rather than a sense of general discontent .
13 Councillors were told that the Home Office would need to be sure that the additional bylaws were needed to cope with a specific problem before they could be approved .
14 It was something very rarely seen in Britain , or in other democracies : an emergency government — or , in Hoare 's words , ‘ an emergency Committee of public Safety ’ , formed for a specific purpose , and intended to last for a specific period of time .
15 These are not , however , the same kind of truth ; for the first holds for all time and every place , whereas the second has to do with a specific event which as a matter of fact took place at a particular point in history .
16 Thus a computer catalogue could print out on demand all the items of which Dr Rhodes Boyson was the author ; or those which had his name in the title ; or all the items having to do with a specific topic , even something so very specific as " The effect of solvents on the killing of bacteria by phenol " ; or all the items in tape-slide format ; or all the items published in Bletchley in 1975 .
17 We stress that information only exhibits value when it is put to use in a specific context .
18 If the criminal disposition were inherited then , ideally , we would be able to point to a specific chromosome which was invariably associated with criminal behaviour .
19 The program allows you then to create your own sluices — up to five — so that you can define a sluice to coincide with a specific syllabus ( ‘ all year 3 vocabulary ’ or ‘ all unit 15 vocabulary ’ , for example ) or with a specific technical field ( ‘ all words to do with engineering/banking/tourism/etc ’ ) .
20 To avoid inconvenience it may be scheduled to run at a specific time when LIFESPAN itself is not required .
21 The union wants employers to agree to a specific date for equalising eastern and western wages , though it is willing to wait beyond 1994 .
22 This is because it can often be easier to sue on a specific warranty than on a general warranty .
23 However , she also found wide variation in the extent to which different social workers used the referral either to assess for a specific resource or to undertake a more general assessment of need and circumstances .
24 An elicitation procedure is designed to provide a child with the opportunity to respond to a specific set of stimuli ; the relationship between a stimulus and the child 's response is then taken as an indication of the child 's mastery of a particular aspect of language .
25 In the final analysis all power relationships depend on resources , be it those obtained from the state , the respective local authority or the private individual who is to be willing to pay for a specific service .
26 By band-shifting experiments , specific and non-specific competition and DMS interference analysis we demonstrated that , in fact , factor(s) are able to bind in a specific manner to this element ( named here region III ) .
27 He uses language and imagery which communicate most precisely the truths he wishes to convey to a specific audience .
28 Clause 4.2 of Precedent 1 deals with the matter by not taking on the obligation to deliver to a specific date in the first place .
29 Some of these have been shown to bind to a specific octamer DNA motif ( 2 , 16-18 ) .
30 To be honest , there are puzzles of a more arcade variety — timing jumps to get to a specific point is an integral part of the game — but we already take these for granted in cartoon adventures .
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