Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [det] form [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So try to get him to a point where he is agreeable to discussing the problem openly with you or else to go for some form of counselling .
2 A child who has problems in any area of development may be regarded as being likely to benefit from some form of special educational placement , either full time or part time .
3 We began the year with the Department of the Environment withdrawing the Comber-Dundonald portion of the track-bed from the market and refusing to come to any form of agreement with the Trust regarding the future of this portion of the line .
4 Locally , people began to talk about some form of recognition for the aircraft and how the town could help its tourist industry into the bargain .
5 If aggression is too much inhibited and inner-directed , the result may be immobilization and the incapacity to engage in any form of self-assertion .
6 A real desire to participate in some form of practical training was expressed by most of the people spoken to but the problems of fitting in courses with the off-farm employment were considerable .
7 Priority tasks include the development of a comprehensive seminar programme , combined activities with other bodies to offer management development programmes , conferences , etc , and to find ways to generate a desire amongst members to participate in some form of development activity each year , during their careers .
8 There ought to be a right to protest in public , it might be argued , and where the bona fide exercise of this right happens to lead to some form of disorder , it is wrong to visit the perpetrators with severe sanctions .
9 Sideways moves for ministers such as John MacGregor apart , one of the few appointments not to smack of some form of pay-off is that of John Patten as Secretary of State for Education .
10 The logical erm conclusion from that was to look at some form of tertiary education and that is what the County Council went out to consultation on .
11 ‘ He also showed a remarkable capacity to look at any form of contract and identify both the things that needed taking out and what has been wrongly omitted .
12 At the moment , you can get adaptors for computers to cope with some form of speech or at least a limited range of verbal instructions erm and in fact Apple computers and others have little packages which allow about thirty well-defined verbal instructions to , to go in .
13 I had never consciously associated with what is called complementary medicine , and as the reader will have discovered , I have had little to do with any form of medicine .
14 You do n't have to have curtains ; blinds are a good alternative or if the room has a marvellous view you might want to do without any form of window dressing .
15 The paragraph is restated to ensure that the offence is required in order to convict of this form of burglary .
16 We have been approached by many members and friends who wish to contribute towards some form of memorial in thanksgiving for the life and work of our late founder and President Molly Braithwaite who died on 19th January this year .
17 Maybe we can now expect the Government to react with some form of moratorium , at least until after April 9 .
18 Unseemly , internecine brawls , however , will be more likely to result in some form of state regulation .
19 The physical interference need not be sufficiently forceful or well-aimed to result in some form of damage or destruction to a proper part of the victim , though we suppose that a violent action would generally be painful to the recipient .
20 Edward Thomas 's fifteen months at St. Paul 's helped to shape the early pattern of his life as a writer : I was considered to excel in this form of rhetoric .
21 One sort of policing which , almost by definition , is likely to remain beyond any form of democratic control is that concerned with the survival of the state itself .
22 The term has even been used to refer to any form of assessment that is not norm-referenced .
23 That speakers do introduce what they want to say via some form of personal reference has a noticeable effect on the structure of contributions in conversational discourse .
24 This appears very likely to culminate in some form of official appraisal of their work .
25 Even the mighty ostrich has been known to resort to this form of deception .
26 Without it there could be a free for all and if abolition goes through the employers may well find themselves having to resort to some form of cooperative or wages club in its place .
27 And are n't most mothers in the 90s planning to return to some form of work outside the home by the time their youngest child is at school full-time ?
28 Clearly it is not possible to rely on this form of public transport for commuting to work or for visits to local towns for access to a range of services .
29 The unwillingness to move to some form of more powerful and comprehensive agency in Britain along the lines of the Quality Commission proposed by the Labour Party ( Cook 1990 ) has left quality issues largely in the hands of the professionals .
30 In its 1992 Annual Report , the Bank for International Settlements , normally very reluctant to enter into any form of political controversy , said this : ‘ Whether a Monetary Union , which is essentially viewed as a stepping-stone to political union , should be presented as a necessary extension of the programme for completing the internal market in the Community seems questionable . ’
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