Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] higher [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Chapter 14 we saw that risky activities on average will need to earn a higher rate of return to compensate for the higher risks involved .
2 As the casualty lists mounted , so signs of strain began to appear within the higher commands on both sides , almost simultaneously .
3 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the barrister 's preserve .
4 The bill 's most contentious provision , which has polarised the profession 's two branches , sets up a framework for solicitors to appear in the higher courts , now the preserve of barristers .
5 But criticism of the package , which will end the barristers ' monopoly right to appear in the higher courts and transfer a huge chunk of the High Court 's caseload to the county courts , was considerably less strident than when the original green paper proposals were debated last April .
6 About three-quarters of the judges are educated at public schools and Oxford or Cambridge , but there are also other factors that reinforce their exclusiveness : their socialization into the legal life via their training as barristers ( that is those entitled to appear in the higher courts ) and the need to demonstrate professional competence in order to ‘ take silk ’ , that is become a Queen 's Counsel and thus gain themselves a place among the elite of barristers from whom judges are chosen .
7 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
8 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
9 This year the prize table was especially attractive and the wide variety of ‘ white elephants ’ presented quite a problem of which to choose for the higher scoring competitors .
10 It was a prosperous community : going to America was a big step to take , and one that would not be taken by people with prospects at the top of English society unless they were going out to fill a government post , but for anyone else it was likely to lead to a higher standard of living than could reasonably be expected in Britain .
11 ‘ David and Gary , in particular , are proof that playing for Queen 's is no barrier to progress at a higher level .
12 ‘ They have no divine right to play in a higher division .
13 Well actually pottery is covered in a thin layer of glass , so that when your pot is dipped into the glazed solution , it 's simply a suspension of silicone in water which ride on the surface , to leave a powder , which is really finely ground up sand , when you put that into the kiln to fire at a higher temperature it mystifies it , it turns into glass , now it 's
14 Peter Coni , chairman of the Stewards , announcing the new rules yesterday , criticised a growing number of top crews for entering lesser events at Henley ‘ rather than showing the ambition and confidence to try to win at a higher level ’ .
15 To coach them better , to give them better opportunities , to give them better opportunities to play at a higher level , to be more competitive rather earlier in their lives .
16 As it was Chaplin threw him a challenge to a round of fisticuffs , accusing Mayer of encouraging Mildred , who was under contract to Mayer , to press for a higher divorce settlement .
17 In 1973 , the board used the public outcry over leaked reports of proposed cuts in the network ‘ to press for a higher level of investment , which they now thought they had a chance of being granted ’ ( Pryke and Dodgson 1975 : 23 ) .
18 CAST awards are offered for periods of two to three years dependent on the anticipated duration of the project , and they will enable students to submit for a higher degree such as MPhil or DPhil .
19 Nicol , the Scottish champion and winner of the North Open last weekend , faces the stiffest programme with the Vitafit Open in Germany , the Odense Open in Denmark and the Portuguese Open within the next three weeks , and seems certain to emerge with a higher ranking than his current 52 .
20 We also believe that it would be inappropriate for performance in drama at those levels to detract from a higher level of performance for spoken English as a whole .
21 To qualify for the higher limit , disablement must occur before reaching pensionable age .
22 Some go on to study for a higher degree , and some take postgraduate courses in management or production engineering .
23 Dr Jan Pentreath , NRA chief scientist , said that the introduction of hand-held monitors for inspectors to carry with them is likely to result in a higher rate of prosecution .
24 It is a matter of common observation that shingle tends to accumulate on the higher parts of the beach while the lower parts are essentially sandy .
25 A worried Bank of England used the weekend to negotiate for the Portuguese currency to start at a higher level than that planned on Friday , but it clearly was not high enough for the pound .
26 And the chairman added : ‘ While we will have to strengthen the squad to compete at the higher level , we are certainly not looking for a lot of new players .
27 The candidate 's interests , and ability and motivation to study at a higher level are what matter . ’
28 Afterwards he said : ‘ The magistrates have refused to issue a summons so I will have to go to a higher court .
29 Afterwards he said : ‘ The magistrates have refused to issue a summons so I will have to go to a higher court .
30 The reason why we 're having to go to a higher figure now is there are two major areas of land , er one is the land behind the railway station , the British Rail land , and the other is the land at a a location called St Nicholas Field , a former household waste site , both of which we are taking steps to bring forward for development .
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