Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] order " in BNC.

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1 Another social division also emerged between those , mainly day , voluntary schools which needed to accept rate subsidy in order to maintain and improve their standards , and the elite , mainly boarding , schools , which were able to survive and indeed in this period to expand , unsubsidized , on the financial basis of their income from fees , endowments and investments .
2 Pension funds , in particular , are interested in buying investment trusts that have a wide discount to net asset value in order to build up their portfolios .
3 Mindful of questions such as these , many Third World governments have tried to establish food policies in order to ensure an acceptable level of food security over the medium and long term .
4 A series of measures to encourage office relocation in order to provide alternative employment opportunities and economic stimulus did something to modify the pattern though not fundamentally to change it .
5 Similarly , a consumer boom , to the extent that it increases the transactions demand for money and increases imports , will encourage the authorities to increase interest rates in order to keep money supply on target .
6 The Ministry of Education with its reduced budget can not afford to subsidize the schools , so the teacher orders the students to sell lottery tickets in order to buy exercise books , blackboards and so on .
7 A marketing orientation for a sales force , however , dictates that the goal of an organisation is to create customer satisfaction in order to generate profit .
8 I was amazed that excellent organisations like the National Heart Foundation have to arrange charity runs in order to raise money .
9 If governments wish to reduce the deadweight tax burden and balance spending and revenue , it is necessary to reduce government spending in order to cut taxes .
10 Mr Ancram stressed the need for all energy users to be aware of the need to reduce energy consumption in order to limit the harmful effects of carbon dioxide emissions on the earth 's environment .
11 The two may interact with one another — for instance when countries try to control capital outflows in order to maintain a given exchange rate .
12 People had to hold bank deposits in order to enjoy the convenience of a cheque book .
13 Q. Do I have to pay income tax in order to help Save the Children by covenant ?
14 In expanding on this point they do develop some important arguments concerning the constraints which would face a socialist government attempting to advance an AES ( for instance , the problems of ‘ forcing ’ investment referred to above , and the potential conflicts between such a government and the trade unions , given the need to raise labour productivity in order to develop a tenable trading position for the national economy ) yet ultimately their position tends to a form of defeatism .
15 The authorities denied that his arrest in 1987 was solely because he had met pro-North Korean people in Japan and claimed that he had acted on North Korean orders to collect documents on South Korean opposition groups , and to infiltrate dissent groups in order to create social unrest .
16 If the government wishes to raise tax revenue in order to subsidize the poor , it should levy a tax on films .
17 Only a return to US price stability would allow a once-and-for-all rise in the gold price to work , and there was nothing in the act of raising the price of gold which would make that more likely ( indeed , the improved gold backing for the dollar would relax such pressure as there was on the US government to maintain price stability in order to defend the dollar ) .
18 He also suggested that he would seek to change school textbooks in order to reflect more accurately the brutality and aggression displayed by the Japanese military before 1945 .
19 Finance Ministers notably from the USA and France expressed concern that German plans to raise interest rates in order to check inflationary pressures precipitated by the costs of German unification [ see pp. 37761-63 ] would enhance the prospects of world recession .
20 The Fed would be forced to raise interest rates in order to check inflation .
21 In order to understand how the authorities endeavour to influence interest rates in order to constrain bank lending , we need to look in some detail at the markets for bills and money .
22 With flow production he or she will have to anticipate model changes in order to ensure that the firm is invited to quote at the outset , and then follow up this quotation in the expectation of securing an order which will be fulfilled over the life of the product .
23 A great deal has been said about the need to improve language skills in order to deal with the needs of trade and industry in the contemporary multi-lingual world .
24 yes , you are taking , going to take driving lessons in order that you can drive .
25 Many of them have to acquire language skills in order to service their clients in new market places .
26 The German Transport Ministry has announced that it is planning to introduce road pricing in order to help meet the costs of vehicle pollution and highway maintenance .
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