Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pn reflx] [verb] above [art] " in BNC.

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1 James Halden bent his leonine head to make himself heard above the hissing steam .
2 One of his rules , which Miss Claybury could not contest , was that all patients must be spoken to kindly , but it was hard to make himself heard above the noise .
3 Luke had to raise his voice to make himself heard above the noise of the rotors , but the grin on his face made it clear that he , at least , was enjoying himself .
4 Norman Tebbit was still on his feet , waving what appeared to be a small Union Jack , and trying manfully to make himself heard above the din .
5 He shouted to make himself heard above the din : " I want to see you at once , "
6 Struggling to make himself heard above the chants of the crowd , the manager said : ‘ I have only been on Teesside for ten months , but thank you for making it memorable so far .
7 Away in the far comer a three piece band was manfully trying to make itself heard above the din .
8 As she stood uncertainly at the top of stairs leading down , she began to wonder how she was going to make herself heard above the noise .
9 ‘ Kick hard left again ’ ; I yelled to make myself heard above the deafening roar of the wind and the sea .
10 I asked him again , shouting to make myself heard above the grumble of thunder and the sound of water .
11 They tried to start a conversation , but it was n't easy to make themselves heard above the music and chatter .
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