Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] least [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 'll give you a chance to soak up at least a little of the atmosphere . ’
2 If the Business has an undisclosed liability which has been passed to the Purchaser , the Vendor should be required to pay over at least the amount of the undisclosed liability .
3 question , issue three C two and three er we say that in relation to two as a matter of have categorize this as a question of law we say it probably categories a question of fact because if they 're right in there analysis of law and article eighty directive , all it means is , is that there is no market outside and that the restriction is insignificant if that being so one would answer the question , is not capable as a matter of pure law of infringing article eighty five , but in the light of the discussion yesterday afternoon of course when my learned friend comes to apply for this strike out , we may have difficulty in contesting that provision it 's not , not er , a , a major part of our case that we , we would have to re-consider it and , and I did ask your Lordship erm if your Lordship would minded to find otherwise not to block out at least the possibility of application for leave to amend and of course we 'd have to make , have to consider whether we could make a proper case out of it on what we do
4 But Mansell is no less than thirty-nine seconds up on him , which means he has to make up at least a second a lap and preferably more .
5 For the US there is still time , through the negotiations in Geneva , to display a flexible attitude and to bring about at least a reduction in the number of SS-20s , and hence to reduce the need for cruise .
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