Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] a job " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If a woman wanted to maintain the right to come back into a job she would have to take part in in-service courses to keep up to date with changes in the working world . ’
2 I was anticipating severe disapproval from that quarter , because my father was bemused , to say the least , by my refusal to settle down into a job with a future , as he put it .
3 I 've got to get on with a job I 'm paid to do . ’
4 What do I want to get out of a job ?
5 They declared that they would never again go willingly to war without clear political aims ; that when they did go to war for such aims , they would do so with overwhelming force ; and that they would discover , in advance , how they were supposed to get out of a job once they had started it .
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