Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adv prt] with a solution " in BNC.

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1 Government changes to the tax system in recent years had allowed the company to come up with a solution which would make shares which had been trading at less than £3 last month to £5 , Mr Ritblat said .
2 He explored the variables systematically to come up with a solution .
3 I needed to come up with a solution which avoided this overly defined focal point and used it at the same time .
4 The French government actually wants this archaically hide-bound professional body to reform itself and become more competitive , but is expecting it to come up with a solution itself .
5 Trist and his colleagues were invited to study the problem and to come up with a solution .
6 A ‘ MAGNIFICENT ’ equal third out of a filed of 374 , is how our entry fared in the worldwide competition to come up with a solution to re-seal the ruined Chernobyl reactor .
7 William Wilson , chief constable of Central and chairman of the Association of Chief Police Officers ( Scotland ) , described the delay as disappointing and said he would be pressing the Scottish home affairs minister , Lord Fraser , to come up with a solution at a meeting on 1 March .
8 Within hours of junior social security minister Ann Widdecombe ruling out special payments for the elderly — ‘ why is it special ? ’ — Major was telling her boss Peter Lilley and others to come up with a solution .
9 Erm , I was wondering if , you know , and then you have to come up with a solution , because bosses do n't like problems , they like solutions .
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