Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] the best " in BNC.

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1 At Club 18–30 we always aim to provide you with the best holiday possible , but in the unlikely event that a problem should arise , we would ask you to contact your Club rep so that we can resolve the matter on the spot .
2 Michelham Country Foods are at the Priory to provide you with the best of A Taste of Sussex .
3 We have done our utmost to provide you with the best possible product but if you have any complaints or suggestions as to how it could be improved do n't hesitate to let us know .
4 Moreover , it is far from clear that the LDDC has managed to obtain anything like the best financial deals in its negotiations with developers : land appears to have been sold at substantially less than might have been achieved , and as the freeholder the LDDC has retained little control of , nor gained any benefit from , subsequent development .
5 its not , you ca n't , the thing is you ca n't defend them without how you die , you ca n't train people how to avo to die , you can only train them how to avoid it , so it does n't really matter if you get fired or not , but they show you the drills and you have to do them to the best of your ability the blank rounds are only there to the conditions , now this is why they 've got these laser got laser sights all over the body , helmet and torso and the actual weapons got a laser on top and you get , if you get near one of these things you go dead and your out , and you can actually simulate
6 He tried to educate them about the nature of demythologizing , a word of which the press had got hold , and to guide them about the best modern writing on the New Testament .
7 The way I approach anything is to do it to the best of my ability , whatever .
8 When it came to fisticuffs Sean Connery was happy to mix it with the best of them — ‘ He believed stuntmen were there to take the knocks and let them have it in the fight scenes , ’ said one .
9 We shall certainly try to monitor it with the best precision that we can but , at this stage , we do not have firm figures .
10 And looked after them and er after them and took pride i i in to have them in the best condition .
11 We will try , however , to advise them to the best of our abilities with particular emphasis on representation by other galleries .
12 He knew he had performed well and he was able to present himself in the best possible aura , that of self-satisfaction , because Hopper gave him carte blanche to edit his own part on film .
13 From Tuesday 18 September until Thursday 20 September we will be On Location in the International Designer Room to advise you on the best colours for make-up and the latest fashions and accessories to enhance your personal look .
14 My members are willing to assist you to the best of their ability . ’
15 They set up the mills to husk the rice and charter the ships to transport it to the best markets — then sit back .
16 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
17 Neither Mr Bush nor James Baker , his secretary of state ( who talks about Lithuania and Latvia with the visible enthusiasm of someone who has just sucked a lemon ) , can yet bring himself to think anything but the best of Mr Gorbachev , so helpful last year in Europe , so kind this year in the Gulf .
18 So it is vitally important to complete the form to show yourself in the best possible light .
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