Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] second [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Heavy rain stopped everyone after 18 laps , so it was back to go for a second start .
2 The reader 's sympathy towards Pip continues to fall during the second part of his expectations due to his rejection and embarrassment of his past life .
3 Having driven past in the usual manner , the driver then had to go through a second time in reverse so that the mourners on the other side could also take a look .
4 They took the lead courtesy of Trevor Smith 's sixth goal of the season but were pegged back by an equaliser from Johnny Jameson who failed to appear for the second half .
5 Hence began the campaign to enable the President to stand for a second term of office .
6 During November the three largest parties announced their candidates for the presidential elections scheduled for April 26 , 1992 , to elect a successor to Kurt Waldheim , who had in June 1991 declined to stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
7 We do know that it was not until the late summer of 1965 that he gave private indications of his intention to stand for a second term , and not until 4 November that he made his decision public .
8 Phillipson has pointed to more direct state management of retirement , in order to regulate the size of the labour force , yet the well-known attempts by the government to induce retirees back to work after the Second World War were notable for their lack of success ; the reserve army of elderly labour was highly resistant to re-enlistment .
9 With out-of-sorts Tony Jones his first-round opponent over 19 frames on Monday , Wattana 's moment of truth is likely to come in the second round when he will almost certainly face favourite Stephen Hendry , the world No 1 , over 25 frames .
10 As Sir John Fortescue was to write in the second half of the fifteenth century , ‘ a King 's war is a legal trial by battle [ when ] he seeks the right he can not obtain by peaceful means ’ .
11 I try to come round the second thing .
12 By 1741 the British version of the cabinet noir , the ‘ Secret Office ’ , was employing nine people ; and its cost tended to increase in the second half of the century .
13 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues that customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
14 Applications re-written specifically to take advantage of multithreading will begin to appear in the second half of the year , Sun says , but argues customers can derive significant performance benefits from running existing applications on multiprocessor machines with Solaris 2.2 .
15 Within minutes of the result being known , Mrs Thatcher ( still in Paris ) had announced her intention to stand in the second ballot and Hurd , with her in Paris , had declared that she continued to have his full support .
16 I think Eardley was — with the Cornishman Peter Lanyon , who also died cruelly young — the most important British landscape painter to appear since the Second World War .
17 As regards size , to come to the second point , the Government amendments still seem to contemplate that sixteen should be the norm er but in practice , I would expect a great many exceptions to be made where for example there are number of constituent authorities er as in Greater Manchester er where there 's er a combination of urban areas and large rural areas , or where the authority tends to function through a lot of sub-committees each of which have to be manned as in Greater Man as in Merseyside .
18 Things do , of course , indeed they seem to succumb to The Second Law of Thermodynamics at a rate that must occasionally surprise even the most paranoid of entropy theorists .
19 Gerard handed Katherine her cup , and Mr Lee took a certain small pleasure in allowing him to pass over the second cup , even though he could have easily reached out and taken it .
20 Nothing I say hereafter is intended to relate to the second decision .
21 Lois Forer , a judge and former assistant Pennsylvania attorney general , expects that the decision on the Barnes tour will encourage donors to include ‘ gift over ’ provisions in their bequests , allowing gifts to pass to a second institution if the first recipient of a donation violates the restrictions placed on gifts .
22 Duchamp-Villon and La Fresnaye were also members of the hanging committee , so that the Cubist painters were able to exhibit for the second time that year as a group .
23 I 'm just I 'm just going to I 'm just going to talk about the second thing anyway .
24 We now trade from forty eight locations in France with three more stores due to open in the second half of the financial year .
25 He also declared his willingness to participate in the second round of the presidential poll and said that UNITA would attend forthcoming multiparty talks convened by the MPLA-PT .
26 In particular the Polish government ( supported by the UK government , with which Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki had talks in London on Feb. 14 , and by Modrow , who visited Warsaw on Feb. 16 ) sought to participate in the second phase of the two-plus-four talks .
27 But I think Freud would have also gone on to say that he had very good reason for resenting Wilson , because he blamed Wilson personally for the unjust peace , after er Versailles , but er , was indirectly , many people would argue , going to lead to the Second World War , and er , so Freud 's defence I think would be , this man really was responsible .
28 Wolves have now failed to progress beyond the second round since they won the then League Cup in 1980 .
29 See also the case Casey v Breachwood Motors Ltd ( Times Law Reports 29 July 1992 ) , where the court lifted the veil of incorporation to allow the plaintiff to proceed against the second company .
30 Very shortly the Court of Appeal is to hear for the second time the cases of James Robinson , Michael Hickey and Vincent Hickey , found guilty in November 1979 of the murder in 1978 of Carl Bridgewater , the newspaper boy , in Staffordshire .
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