Example sentences of "[pos pn] right [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I explained again : about my job description , custom and practice and my right to do the work for which I was employed .
2 Under the Act those offering timeshare facilities must supply to the other party a notice of their right to cancel the agreement within 14 days after the agreement is made .
3 ‘ But people violent without excuse should forfeit their right to see a doctor . ’
4 The Nairn Town Council have always guarded very closely their right to confer the freedom .
5 Trade unions were debating their right to use the strike weapon to achieve political demands ( including the release of conscientious objectors still languishing in jail ) , while Cabinet Ministers suffered periodic bouts of panic that the revolution was about to break out .
6 Where a practice is acquired by another firm its clients should be : ( 1 ) notified of the change ; ( 2 ) reminded of their right to instruct the solicitor of their choice ; and ( 3 ) asked to indicate whether they wish to instruct the new ( acquiring ) firm .
7 Between three and five hundred people are believed to be in detention solely for exercising their rights to freedom of expression , association or assembly or their right to leave the country .
8 In return for the offeror agreeing to procure that the accepting shareholders are paid the requisite amount of cash , the accepting shareholders exercise their right to nominate the merchant bank , or as it may direct ( ie sub-underwriters ) , as the person to whom the shares are to be allotted ; and
9 Will they vote in the same way if their right to have a say is taken away from them ?
10 One important default power is that contained in the Housing Act , 1980 , which can be brought into effect whenever the minister considers that tenants are having difficulty in exercising their right to buy a council property ‘ effectively and expeditiously ’ .
11 When the negotiations were concluded , the directors exercised their right to buy the shares and in so doing made a profit .
12 I turn now to consider the arguments advanced on behalf of Woolwich in support of its right to recover the payments it made as money had and received or as having been made under duress , two grounds which it was accepted shaded into one another .
13 B'nai B'rith Women , legally incorporated as a separate entity in 1962 , also faces legal action challenging its right to use the B'nai B'rith name .
14 B'nai B'rith Women , legally incorporated as a separate entity in 1962 , also faces legal action challenging its right to use the B'nai B'rith name .
15 Britain has defended its right to use the North Sea as a dumping ground .
16 For years , the US 's biggest fast food company has staunchly defended its right to use the plastic box in its restaurants , claiming foam packaging to be not only the best deterrent for grease and insulator of heat , but environmentally sound too .
17 9.5 Effect of waiver Each of the Tenant 's covenants shall remain in full force both at law and in equity notwithstanding that the Landlord shall have waived or released temporarily any such covenant or waived or released temporarily or permanently revocably or irrevocably a similar covenant or similar covenants affecting any other part of the Centre or the Adjoining Property This provision is an attempt to circumvent the rather harsh law of waiver , by which a landlord will lose its right to forfeit the lease where a non-continuing breach has occurred if the landlord does some act to suggest that the landlord is nevertheless satisfied to continue the tenancy , eg by accepting rent from the tenant .
18 In France itself the Valois family had good dynastic reasons for wishing to see Isabella removed from France and embroiled in English domestic politics : Charles IV was the last of the Capetians in the direct male line , and the question of Isabella 's title to the throne , or her right to pass the title to her son , might soon arise .
19 The section only enhances the buyer 's rights and therefore does not in any way reduce his right to sue the seller .
20 At the start of the police interrogation the suspect is informed of his right of silence and of his right to consult a lawyer , but he has no right to have the lawyer present during the interrogation .
21 ( g ) To inform the suspect of the reason for the detention , of his right to legal advice and his right to have a person informed that he is in custody and his right to consult the Codes of Practice .
22 To exercise his right to treat the contract as repudiated by the seller 's repudiatory breach , the buyer must inform the seller that he regards the contract as at an end .
23 Of course , if delivery is late the buyer may accept late delivery thereby waiving his right to treat the contract as repudiated .
24 In more questioning times , with the historian seeking to exercise his right to examine the past , people have tried to explain why wars occur .
25 But as I have said earlier , I do not think this necessarily precludes a difference in the procedures which are appropriate on the one hand where it is necessary to explain to the driver his right to claim a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) and what the exercise of that right involves and , on the other hand , where the driver is obliged , subject to any rights of objection , to provide the specimen the constable requires .
26 O'Shea was at his best four minutes later , diving low to his right to save a Paul McLaughlin 30 yard volley which took a deflection off a United defender .
27 ’ The question remains how the Divisional Court 's acceptance of the Director 's right to serve a section 2(2) notice for the purpose of questioning a person who has been charged , on pain of penalty under section 2(13) if he refuses to answer , can be reconciled with his right to invoke the protection of the caution .
28 It looks as though he was deliberately emphasizing the legal basis of his right to order the affairs of Aquitaine .
29 The client would puzzle out an explanation later , if he got informed by letter of his right to exercise the warrants .
30 ( g ) To inform the suspect of the reason for the detention , of his right to legal advice and his right to have a person informed that he is in custody and his right to consult the Codes of Practice .
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