Example sentences of "[pos pn] decision [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The capitulation of the General Council on the 12 May , and its decision to call off the strike without any guarantees that those involved would not be victimized , might also be seen as evidence of failure .
2 The United States on March 24 announced its decision to withdraw from the International Sugar Organization ( ISO ) , which brought together all major producers and consumers of sugar .
3 SECRET talks were held yesterday between United States and North Korean representatives as Washington urged Pyongyang to reconsider its decision to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .
4 Following its decision to move into the Unix arena ( UX No 317 ) , Computer Associates International , is angling to get its first batch of Unix-based applications out the door by the end of the year .
5 Following its decision to move into the Unix arena , Islandia , New York-based , Computer Associates Inc , has signed an agreement with Novell Inc to port CA-Unicenter , its systems management software , and its vast collection of mainframe applications to the NetWare network computing environment .
6 The SLORC regime had been eager to attract foreign investment ; this was thought to have been the major factor in its decision to proceed with the election .
7 The procedure is that : LCH gives notice of its decision to consolidate to the relevant exchange , the selling member and the buying member ; the seller is charged with the conduct of LCH 's case against the buyer ; and the buyer is charged with LCH 's case against the seller ; copies of all pleadings being supplied to LCH and LCH retaining the right to submit its own arguments to the arbitrators .
8 Once she 'd made her decision to come to the Dordogne , Sabine had read up as much as possible on the area , and she knew that Bergerac wines had been overshadowed in the past by the great vignobles of Bordeaux .
9 She took a BSc honours degree in Sociology at London University , worked as a community counsellor for one-parent families in Camden and was on the literature panel of the Arts Council until their decision to return to the Government some money designated for writers ' bursaries led her to resign in disgust .
10 The Damiani family made their decision to leave in the third week of April after snipers in Tel Aviv began shooting into the centre of Jaffa , sending at least one bullet into David Damiani 's home .
11 Egypt and Syria already have strategic gains to show for their decision to rally round the Saudis .
12 This demonstrated the importance of family factors in determining the occupational choice of rural school-leavers — nearly 42 per cent of the respondents stated that they had been influenced by their family in their decision to work on the land .
13 On the basis of a report delivered by Gorbachev on Feb. 7 a resolution was adopted which ruled that the independence declaration should be " regarded as having no standing " , and urged the Lithuanian communists to suspend their decision to break with the CPSU until the matter could be debated at the 28th party congress .
14 Social services are standing by their decision to pay for the 14-year old to stay at his grandparents ' villa , but refused to talk about the inquiry .
15 The deposed king had announced his decision to return at the end of May , when he committed himself to promoting democracy and announced that he was planning to sponsor an interim multiparty government of national consensus which would include members of the military .
16 The Scottish Sports Council announced today that its Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Mr Ken Hutchison has intimated his decision to retire at the end of November .
17 Walsh announced his decision to retire from the government on April 2 ; although he gave no reasons , he had earlier suggested that the government lacked sufficient political will to confront the country 's grave economic problems .
18 My friend is not simply explaining why , for good or bad reasons , he did decide to go to the Park ( as he might after the event , in which case it would be no objection to his explanation that when he got there the zoo turned out to be closed ) ; he is defending his decision to go to the Park rather than meet me at his house , and I can still try to change his mind .
19 He used the occasion to inform the public that his decision to withdraw from the campaign in July had been in response to a Republican dirty tricks campaign which had included a plan to smear his daughter through manufactured photographs and to disrupt her forthcoming wedding .
20 Even Alexander , in October 1825 , had gone back on his decision to deal with the Greek question unilaterally and had instigated talks on Greece with Britain .
21 Defending his decision to meet with the South African delegation he said the conversation had dwelt on the future and potential business investment in the country .
22 Referring to his decision to resign from the Cabinet over the Westland affair in January 1986 , he says : ‘ I made a statement that day making it clear that I was going to continue in active politics in any role the Conservative Party wanted .
23 He succeeded Corneliu Coposu , who had previously announced his decision to resign from the post .
24 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
25 Many commentators interpreted his decision to run for the council as a means of preserving his extensive political machine while also providing a platform within the city government from which he could launch a future mayoral bid .
26 ‘ Are you going to tell them about your decision to break off the engagement ? ’ he asked suddenly , interrupting her thoughts .
27 I was very sorry when you told me this morning of your decision to resign from the Government .
28 The escalating costs associated with handling this raw material and the uncertain consequences of future government asbestos regulation … have necessitated our decision to work towards the elimination of asbestos from all our friction products and this eventuality has become an essential part of our long-term production and manufacturing plans .
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