Example sentences of "[pos pn] colleague at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is a method of solving the cube , due to Morwen Thistlethwaite , my colleague at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in London , that always restores the cube in at most 50 moves ( recently reduced from 52 ) and simple counting shows that some positions require at least 18 moves ( counting 180° turns as single moves ) or 21 right-angle turns .
2 Ken Coates , Nottingham 's MEP and my colleague at the Russell Foundation for whom I do some research , has raised the alert on this .
3 At nine o'clock , by arrangement , I rang one of my colleagues at the hospital , Dr. J. D. Underwood , about a matter which is coming up at the next medical committee .
4 ‘ We have to talk about it but I will be doing that with my colleagues at the FA before I talk to anyone else . ’
5 When I got home I told everybody where I 'd been and what I 'd done : my 63-year-old father , my three sisters , my nephews , my friends , the men and women in my local pub and my colleagues at the bank .
6 If Branko Palcic , Stephen Lam and their colleagues at the Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver have their way , the deadliest cancer of the 20th century may be about to share the fate of its 19th century predecessor .
7 With internal savings , including voluntary redundancies , the Broughton men , and their colleagues at the Filton factory near Bristol , have managed to keep the work ‘ in house ’ .
8 The underlying premise of Papert , Servan-Schreiber and their colleagues at the Centre Mondial is that children and adults , lawyers and journalists , the rulers and the ruled , can all assimilate compute culture without either losing their own , or surrendering to some centrally imposed scheme of , knowledge .
9 Bessie Cohen ( centre ) and her colleagues at a rehearsal of the Troubadour act c.1895
10 CAGNEY and Lacey actress Sharon Gless , who is currently in London starring in Misery at the Criterion , has treated her colleagues at the theatre to her favourite Haagen-Dazs ice cream .
11 Earlier this year Chie Furihata and her colleagues at the Institute of Medical Science at the University of Tokyo published findings supporting Glaxo 's thesis .
12 Ruth Muschel and her colleagues at the US National Cancer Institute and at Yale , reporting this discovers in Science ( vol 219 , p 853 ) , suggest that this may mean that some people have an inborn tendency to develop certain kinds of tumour .
13 Mr John and Det Chief Insp George Brown , his colleague at the head of the murder investigation , said there had been a tremendous response from the public .
14 He could think of nothing less suited to him , and the job went instead to his colleague at the Home Office , David Mellor , who subsequently pipped him to the Cabinet .
15 Does the Secretary of State recall that in answer to an earlier question of mine to his colleague at the Department of Employment , I was told that 25,000 manufacturing jobs had been lost in the past 12 months in Yorkshire and Humberside ?
16 A year or two later his colleague at The Hague asked his friends in London to bribe an Exchequer official to obtain more regular payment of what he was owed .
17 The originators of socio-technical systems theory are reputedly Eric Trist and his colleagues at the Tavistock Institute who ( in the early 1950s ) studied the effects of technological change on the morale of workers .
18 He could n't throw him to the wolves of his colleagues at the Factory .
19 Every practising barrister knows before which judges he would prefer not to appear in a political case because he believes , and his colleagues at the bar believe , that certain judges are much more likely than others to be biased against certain groups , like demonstrators or students , or certain kinds of action , like occupations of property by trade unionists or the homeless .
20 In the post-Bullock years , thinking about writing at secondary level in particular has been dominated by the model developed by Britton and his colleagues at the London Institute for the Schools Council .
21 A recent paper from Paul Satz and his colleagues at the University of Florida ( Science , vol 218 , p 797 ) provides some of the answers to this long-standing problem .
22 For example , David Walker and his colleagues at the University of Sheffield approached us because they wanted to take a new look at photosynthesis .
23 This was the rationale behind a recent experiment carried out by Veerman and his colleagues at the University of Amsterdam ( Nature vol 302 , p 248 ) .
24 Launched by Mayer and Timms and continued by , among others , Sainsbury and his colleagues at the University of Sheffield , this new approach to the evaluation of social work has revealed previously uncharted areas of knowledge , and has been extensively reviewed in recent years ( Sainsbury , 1980 ; Craig , 1981 ; Rees and Wallace , 1982 ; Fisher , 1983 ) .
25 Professor Stewart and his colleagues at the University of Birmingham identified a number of difficulties with these proposed changes , although with academic care they added the proviso : ‘ to identify problems is not to draw a conclusion ’ ( Stewart et al .
26 In the rainforests of South-east Asia , this agrarian way of life has been taken to extraordinary lengths , according to Professor Ulrich Maschwitz and his colleagues at the University of Frankfurt .
27 The main report was written by Chris Freeman and his colleagues at the University of Sussex but , lacking expertise on the Soviet side , they turned to Bob Davies and Geoffrey Barker at Birmingham for a special section on the Soviet Union .
28 The Lucas workers also collaborated with Richard Fletcher and his colleagues at the North East London Polytechnic in producing a unique road/rail vehicle which is capable of running through cities as a coach and running on branch railway lines .
29 Professor Purnell Choppin and his colleagues at the Rockefeller University in New York have made peptides ( short sections of protein ) with a similar structure to the regions of virus proteins that bind to membrane receptors .
30 Inevitably , the requirements both of compromise and of secrecy meant that Citrine and his colleagues at the top backed the obscurantism of the majority of the chairmen against Melling .
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