Example sentences of "[pos pn] attempt [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps my attempts to undermine the managers credibility are coming to fruition at last : - ) ) )
2 I felt that I might be able to apply what I learned — if indeed I learned anything — to my attempts to reconstruct the life of Elsie .
3 This history should be looked on as my attempt to explore the history of the College so as best to understand why it has become what it is today .
4 The government also abandoned its attempts to link the release of political prisoners with a general amnesty for members of the security forces and SAP and for other state officials [ see p. 39037 ] .
5 We need the Government to be assiduous in its attempts to eliminate the obstacles that hinder companies ' ability to compete effectively in the international environment .
6 The LEA judged the role of the advisory staff to be pivotal to its attempts to improve the quality of primary education in Leeds .
7 It may be argued , however , that the lack of success experienced by the UK in the 1980s with its attempts to control the money supply growth rate was due to special factors and should not be employed against the search for ways of formulating an effective monetary policy at the national level .
8 The actions of Hoover and its attempts to undermine the wages and conditions of union members .
9 Various alternative uses have been suggested by the council in its attempts to justify the closure , but its main plank has been the need for housing .
10 Pan Am was getting a bad press — rightly so for its slovenly security at Frankfurt , but wrongly so for its attempts to establish the truth of how the bomb got aboard .
11 Matching the Government 's economic achievement has been its attempts to change the way Britons collectively think about work .
12 One reason for organising the 5 October 1968 march in Derry was that NICRA had always considered the city to be a natural focus for its attempts to raise the question of civil rights , but the demonstration was not the first attempt to organise around the issue in Derry .
13 Public pressure against nuclear power was a factor in this decision , but so too was the government 's concern at the high costs of nuclear-generated electricity , waste disposal and plant decommissioning which were hindering its attempts to privatize the electricity industry .
14 The Health and Safety Executive must be commended for its attempts to cut the death toll .
15 They regarded the General-Secretary 's wife as uncouth and comic in her attempts to ape the styles of the more chic among the Communist élite .
16 Its status or ( as importantly ) its lack of value creates complex systems of meaning which are rarely articulated ; for the police world has similar strictures to that which Benedict ( 1967 ) described in her attempts to understand the rigidities of Japanese culture :
17 Their natural rebelliousness achieved its heights now , not least in their violation of the traditional rules , their attempts to undermine the institution by radical policies , their attempts to breach the system .
18 Unlike previous elections , guerrillas of the National Liberation Army ( ELN ) and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) did not declare a truce , but their attempts to sabotage the poll , reduced in most areas to peaceful attempts to persuade people not to vote , had little effect .
19 Bankers like to see governments breaking their election promises because this proves that they are in earnest in their attempts to put the economy to rights .
20 One after another , men failed in their attempts to drive the nails , usually succeeding in bending them , so I was proud when Dad , using the skill gained over so many years at the anvil , gave his nail an almighty thump sending it through to the other side of the board .
21 Their natural rebelliousness achieved its heights now , not least in their violation of the traditional rules , their attempts to undermine the institution by radical policies , their attempts to breach the system .
22 They actively seek to expand their influence and would appear to be aiming to cover most of west London … the group can be expected to continue in their attempts to undermine the police , but are unlikely to be successful except in conditions of widespread disorder , general strike , etc , when they might have a potential for destabilisation . ’
23 More importantly , we shall also consider some of the most recent approaches that psychologists have adopted in their attempts to bridge the gap which has hitherto existed between psychological theory and educational practice .
24 They gave up their attempts to cross the Swamp and set out instead to get round it .
25 Indeed it was their attempts to comprehend the formalism in terms of individual behaviour that led to some of the fathers of quantum theory , such as Erwin Schrödinger , Louis de Broglie and Einstein , to express strong doubts about the ultimate validity of the theory .
26 Would not my observations indicate that Denis Faul is partisan in his condemnation of the techniques used by the RUC in their attempts to protect the population of Northern Ireland from terrorists .
27 Their attempts to lower the age limit to sixty-five failed , but drove Lloyd George to protest that the measure was only an experimental ‘ beginning ’ in a new field of state action and beginnings needs must be cautious .
28 The political situation in Zaire , however , continues to be oppressive , and the country 's churches are battling against enormous odds in their attempts to keep the population informed about what is happening in their country .
29 A smell of toast began to infiltrate the paint smell that was a perpetual consequence of their attempts to make the place habitable .
30 ROPLEY Parish Council have reached ‘ a crossroads ’ in their attempts to provide the village with a well-stocked playground .
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