Example sentences of "[vb mod] expect to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One can understand why people at risk should wish to have these things , but not why they should expect to be given them free .
2 Causing grievous bodily harm to someone now you might say that 's a very serious offence which you should expect to be prosecuted .
3 ‘ Any man with access to sensitive information , such as Major Maxim , should expect to be put under surveillance purely as a matter of routine .
4 A mother may set out some crayons and paper or plasticine while she gets on with the ironing but she should expect to be interrupted and asked for help .
5 He must expect to be asked , like the woman , about his recent sexual encounters and whether a condom was used or not .
6 In Margaret Thatcher 's day , most people thought that complaining was a waste of time ; but a ‘ listening ’ Government must expect to be shouted at , loud and long .
7 If the child has become lost or frightened as a result of parental neglect , then the adult in question may expect to be admonished by the fairy , who dislikes irresponsibility and carelessness .
8 When these anxieties are ministered to by the products of the instant government under which we now with remarkable acquiescence subsist and are abetted by draftsmanship of the esoteric kind sometimes adopted by our professional brothers south of the border , we may expect to be confronted by problems of dimensions quite disparate to the simple issues which are essentially involved .
9 ‘ Ulster Unionists ’ can be patronised as fractious tribesmen ; Northern Ireland Conservatives might expect to be treated as equals .
10 ‘ I suppose I ought to expect to be bullied .
11 In the late afternoon the Committee pulled its favourite form of persuasion : it went into secret session , with a direction that if he did n't sing in secret he could expect to be jailed for contempt of Congress ( i.e. the committee ) .
12 It may , however , be that even without this provision , a landlord who had granted a licence to a tenant signed by an authorised director could expect to be estopped from denying its effectiveness .
13 But , as it was , he could expect to be made Solicitor-General and found a safe seat .
14 Other British manufacturing industries which could expect to be hit by the changes include car tyres , paper goods , ceramics , glassware , pipes , and CDs and audio tapes .
15 Information processing executives could expect to be asked how their deals compared to the deals others were getting .
16 On that evidence , therefore , and in spite of last night 's ominous phrases that the government would not tolerate ‘ chaos and anarchy ’ , it seems that the statement is more likely to be a specific warning — that people breaking in to armouries to steal weapons or ammunition could expect to be met by physical force — than a sign that the military are planning a political takeover .
17 That is to say , each dug-in group of British soldiers could expect to be facing the same dug-in group of Germans for many months .
18 More and more governments now demanded diplomatic services systematically and even rigidly organised , in which efficiency carried more weight and merit could expect to be rewarded more effectively .
19 If we 'd been put back with an American maybe it meant that at least one of us could expect to be released .
20 Such a threat may constitute a bluff in that the prime minister would have more to lose if an election was called than would most MPs ( the PM could lose office : most seats are safe seats and so most MPs could expect to be reelected ) , but nonetheless it has proved a potent influence in determining parliamentary behaviour .
21 If the engine had done more work these would expect to be renewed as well .
22 I would expect to be consulted as I was .
23 I promise him the same standard of service in my car as that which he would expect to be provided by a Conservative borough , or even a Conservative taxi service operated by myself .
24 ‘ Is it the kind of machinery you would expect to be ordered for the factory ? ’
25 Rachaela did not say she would leave the child alone as much as possible and that she in turn would expect to be left alone .
26 The heads of the metatarsals were fused , which one would expect to be accomplished by nineteen years , but fusion had not taken place in the secondary pelvic centres .
27 and erm therefore this year er there is a case for saying we shall start to accrue some of the backlog er to the extent , but only to the extent we will expected to be paid shortly thereafterwards .
28 Speaking today , the Chair of the Property and Commercial Services Committee , Paul Marsh , said ; ‘ Probate practitioners will expect to be appointed to wind up estates .
29 They will expect to be dealt a perfect bridge hand from time to time , and will scarcely trouble to write home about it when it happens .
30 The Newmarket trainer runs Top Class in the Longchamp spectacular and the faithful backing Brittain will expect to be laughing all the way to the bank as they help themselves to the generous 40-1 on offer .
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