Example sentences of "[vb mod] talk to me [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was shaking with embarrassment that he could talk to me in this way at all , as if he knew me , as if he had the right to question me .
2 He later explained his reasons in English Farming , and Why I Turned It Up ( 1894 ) in the preface to which he wrote : ‘ I can remember the time when people used to talk to me about farming and explain how I ought to go about it .
3 " Mr. Andrew did n't like it — he used to talk to me about it , and say how unhappy he was .
4 ‘ She would talk to me about everything but the subject that mattered .
5 I did not regard Harold Wilson as a wit , nor was his conversation particularly spiced with humour , but it was immensely interesting because he would talk to me about his problems and their supposed solutions , and seemingly consult me on the matter — he was a very polite man — although I was conscious that on most political issues my own opinion was pretty well valueless and he recognised that .
6 You know you can talk to me about anything . ’
7 Well and he wrote me this letter saying erm saying I , I realise that there 's been something on your mind recently and I hope you can talk to me about it .
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