Example sentences of "[vb mod] have been able [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Her second was a slight feeling of surprise that , if he was ‘ out on a jaunt ’ , he should have been able to order flowers from the Rose Bowl .
2 It is something of a puzzle , therefore , that others using the flavour-aversion procedure ( Best , Gemberling , and Johnson 1979 ; Kaye , Swietalski , and Mackintosh 1988 b ) should have been able to demonstrate an attenuation of latent inhibition .
3 According to the board , Ocean Ranger was structurally sound and should have been able to weather the storm .
4 We should have been able to move more quickly . ’
5 By four o'clock , I knew from the morning 's reckoning that I should have been able to see the Land Rover .
6 He should have been able to see it sooner , see it instantly .
7 I should have been able to give him something to hope for , " he thought with a sigh , as he descended the half dozen stairs and went to kneel beside Miriam on the stone flags .
8 If you can answer all those questions , with a fair degree of confidence , about your product , you should have been able to decide what your brand 's strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace are .
9 Afterwards , of course , he told himself he should have been able to predict what would happen .
10 And , despite the luxurious comfort of the aeroplane — in which she should have been able to relax her tired mind and body — she felt totally overwhelmed by the day 's events .
11 I should have been able to say , Fuck you , I 'll go my own way : as you did , as Sergei did .
12 They should have been able to live on that , but Teck was worried about losing his status at court if he did .
13 Central to child-rearing from the cultural point of view , as we have seen , is that by the time he is six or seven the child should have been able to recapitulate within his own personal psychological development the development history of his culture .
14 He claims that Mr Maitland should have been able to rely on the references and should be compensated for the full amount plus lost interest .
15 Although I remember him stepping out of them and the sight of his white pants , I felt it was not seemly to observe too closely : otherwise I should have been able to verify the assertion that his underclothes were American but the rest very English .
16 Preferably , you should have been able to read the text over before the lecture .
17 Juliette Drouet , the mistress of Victor Hugo and his companion on his travels , was put out that a woman other than herself should have been able to make this ‘ difficult ascent ’ and claimed that the Duchess had needed the services of thirty guides and helpers ; less jaundiced reporters speak only of two .
18 Given that so many crucial factors militated against the success of the rebellion , the government should have been able to overcome it .
19 ’ Right , ’ Mala said , with more crispness than she should have been able to produce .
20 In other words , foreign auction houses should have been able to start holding auctions in Paris in 1993 , and as the two big auction houses are much more powerful and widely expert than any French auctioneering partnership , the commissaires-priseurs had good reason to be frightened .
21 She reminded herself that it was not Paul 's fault ; and yet , somehow , he should have been able to shield her from this kind of outrage .
22 He had been dealing with human nature all his life ; he should have been able to recognise the symptoms before now .
23 With intelligent programming , the computer should have been able to recognise either that this particular customer needed an overdraft or that he has probably just become redundant and that mortgage repayment might soon present a problem .
24 I always felt I should have been able to protect my mother better but I could n't .
25 So Iraq has now formally asked the Turks to shorten the cut-off period but the Turks reply that they have been releasing more water down the river and the Iraquis should have been able to build up stocks .
26 it appeared to me little short of a miracle that a hard , matter-of-fact scientist should have been able to establish a real friendship with wild , freeliving animals , and the realisation of this fact made me feel … as though man 's expulsion from the Garden of Eden had thereby lost some of its bitterness .
27 To assist in the establishment of such a regime the bureaucracy must have been able to conserve most of its resources intact through the preceding liberal-democratic regime .
28 She must have been able to lick enough water to keep alive , ’ he said .
29 Specialized ornithischians in the late Cretaceous were the remarkable duck-billed dinosaurs , animals that lost their front teeth and had arrays of tiny grinding teeth at the back of the jaw that were continually replaced , like those of the shark , and must have been able to cope with tough vegetation .
30 Even the most myopic Teuton must have been able to see that the politely inquisitive Englishman being entrusted with these confidences had to be an Intelligence man .
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