Example sentences of "[vb mod] see [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to see a mixed economy of care and he considered it essential that the social services authorities should see themselves as the arrangers and purchasers of care services , not as monopolistic providers .
2 It is vital that social services authorities should see themselves as the arrangers and purchasers of care services — not as monopolistic providers .
3 ‘ You should see it in the summer .
4 And that should see us through the difficult times . ’
5 Hence Durkheim insisted that to understand one set of social phenomena we must see them in the round — in their wider , social context .
6 Yeah , cos I might , I might see you at the station if you get the train .
7 Come that we might see you in the people of every race , and commit ourselves to the hope that we celebrate our life together in true community and justice .
8 He 'll see me by the fire , leaning against the mantelpiece , and know how things really are ; how they ought to be .
9 But as long as she do n't forget Ga cos I wo n't see her , well we 'll see her on the Saturday but it well I suppose that 'll that wo n't make much difference will it ?
10 I 've told her I 'll see her at the funeral , though I suppose it wo n't be for a while .
11 I 'll see her in the morning and .
12 We 'll see him in the … er … proper surroundings .
13 ‘ You 'll see them at the wedding , ’ said my mother .
14 . Here briefly , because we 'll see them on the inside , you 've got the main bed-chambers above .
15 We 'll see them on the telly then .
16 They 're advertising , we 'll see them in the Yellow Pages .
17 ITHINK if we are ever to see grand hokum in the Mac marketplace we 'll see it in the months ahead , as the M-word — multimedia — becomes the in thing to discuss in the 1990s .
18 If you go by the side of the college you 'll see it from the
19 ‘ I 'll see you to the station , ’ he said , ‘ if that 's what you really want . ’
20 ‘ I 'll see you to the door , Tony . ’
21 We 'll see you at the next coaches ' meeting . ’
22 I 'm looking forward to Hamlet , but I wo n't bother you at the theatre ; I 'll see you at the flat .
23 I 'll see you at the end of April . ’
24 ‘ I 'll see you at the meeting , ’ said Jeremy .
25 So I 'll see you at the course tomorrow . ’
26 And I 'll see you at the Ritz at one .
27 ‘ I 'll see you at the château tonight for dinner . ’
28 I 'll see you at the inquest . ’
29 ‘ I do hope that 's not my lasagne I can smell burning , my dear , ’ and while she moved swiftly to check the oven and to find that not a thing was burning , Naylor was saying , ‘ We 'll see you at the weekend , Travis . ’
30 ‘ I 'll see you at the weekend , then , ’ Leith said lightly , and was once more wanting to do something of a pugilistic nature to her employer when , just as though he lived there , he went to the door with Travis and saw him out .
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