Example sentences of "[vb mod] be left with the " in BNC.

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1 It gave the clients confidence in my abilities , and also told them any hopes they may have had of getting away with a fifty dollar fee should be left with the receptionist .
2 But it could just be the best way to get a balanced view about the future of the planet is to ask some of the remarkably well-informed people who 'll be left with the task of clearing up our mess .
3 The dilemma for the Americans is that , if they reject the argument that Israel must be part of the Middle East peace process , they may be unable to secure international endorsement for any settlement procedure ; so they could be left with the invidious alternatives of an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence .
4 CLOSE is a limit order system which allows investors to leave orders which are then publicised in the market , e.g. if an investor wanted British Aerospace at £5.00 when the market price was £5.08 the limit order could be left with the investors ' broker , and other brokers could see it .
5 Instead , Lewis may be left with the consolation prize of being crowned the WBC champion as the heavyweight division falls apart .
6 Food and meals are given such prominence that an unwary reader may be left with the notion that he was mainly remarkable for gluttony .
7 The chosen method was to calculate his net loss , taking into account that he would have paid income tax on earnings , then adding back ‘ golden handshake ’ tax so that he would be left with the net amount after the Revenue had collected tax on the damages .
8 This means that the old people would be left with the abusers unless they wanted to go into care or unless they were themselves mentally impaired .
9 What action should be taken and what instructions would be left with the evening shift ?
10 If innkeepers did not have a right of sale they would be left with the property of guests which they could not realise in order to satisfy the debt .
11 Such arguments may seem trivial when bodies as thoughtful as the Church of England have taken it upon themselves to ponder the issue of the use of nuclear weapons ; but the bomb has not gone off and when it has receded into the background we will be left with the demand for electricity .
12 The West Midlands County Council will be left with the job of surfacing the roads .
13 When the talk of renewal and uplift and volunteerism has dwindled and the weeds sprout amid the ruins , we will be left with the options : Plan A , let poor city neighbourhoods rot ; or , Plan B , put in dollars and jobs and a plan .
14 A visitor to Mohenjo Daro , one of the Indus Valley sites , will be left with the impression that this city with all it contained had either in record time surpassed all other human generations in inventiveness , or that like the Aryans they were immigrants bringing with them centuries of cultural inheritance .
15 The objective will be a realistic specification that can be met by a wide variety of suppliers , but the final say in the specs will be left with the service suppliers , making it highly likely that Unix System V.4 will be at the core of the specification .
16 As a result of our decision Mr. Nathan 's successor in title will be left with the freehold of the remainder of No. 263–265 which , though retail premises , will have no frontage to a shopping street : the L.C.C . 's successors in title will have the freehold to a strip of land with a road frontage but probably incapable of being used save in conjunction with the land from which it was severed in 1930 , i.e. the remainder of No. 263–265 .
17 Because of the way in which it is proposed to incorporate ‘ subsidiarity ’ into the European constitution , it will actually augment the powers of the Federalist institutions , which will be left with the essential decisions about how it is to be defined and applied .
18 So-called leisure courses will be left with the local authority in the adult education centres .
19 If there is no majority voting then the Community will be left with the same level of impotence it has now . "
20 A letter can be left with the Will specifying the arrangements for the next of kin to follow .
21 The male can be left with the female , probably mating her two or three times , but this is of no importance .
22 They fry can be left with the parents until they attain anything up to one inch in length , but it is often advisable to remove the parents long before this .
23 The rest can be left with the parents , who will probably eat them when they 're ready to spawn again .
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