Example sentences of "[vb mod] be achieve by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , a settlement should be achieved by means of a formal undertaking or agreement executed expressly in consideration of the opposition being discontinued ; this may seem obvious but it is surprising how often it is ignored .
2 In this case , instead of accepting that comprehensible input is indeed validly conceived as ‘ The ‘ Fundamental Pedagogical Principle ’ ’ and then looking at how it might be achieved by interaction , one might more profitably ask whether these strategies of interaction on the part of the learner do not suggest that the notion of comprehensible input is inadequate for explaining how language is learned , and therefore is not so very fundamental after all .
3 Obviously , any improvement in the ratio of domestic savings to GNP will reduce reliance on external finance , and this might be achieved by means of a more efficient and comprehensive domestic banking system .
4 Consideration should be given to whether the requirement to be mobile could be restricted to particular regions while indicating that faster progression might be achieved by staff who were prepared to be widely mobile .
5 It seems likely that it involved the utilisation of the X-rays emitted by the fission bomb trigger to propagate the explosion throughout the charge of thermonuclear fuel ; travelling at the speed of light they could initiate the fusion reaction in all parts of the charge in a time much less than could be achieved by shock waves ( travelling at perhaps 104m/s ) , so that a substantial degree of reaction Could occur before the material was dispersed by the explosion ( New Scientist , 2 September , 1982 , p641 ) .
6 They do this when they believe they can operate more profitably and with greater stability than could be achieved by reliance on the workings of imperfect international markets ( Buckley and Casson , 1985 ) .
7 The letters between Miller and Bartram show what could be achieved by patience and forbearance two hundred years ago .
8 He showed the savings of one-third of the man hours per house could be achieved by rationalisation in brick , block and timber design .
9 The kind of supervision suggested by the college could be achieved by guardianship ; yet guardianship under the Act has been very little used .
10 Next , the implication that full employment could be achieved by budget deficits encouraged the separation of decisions to spend from decisions to tax , and there has been a tendency for the former to grow faster than the latter .
11 Something more of the requisite independence could be achieved by Berkeley 's doctrine that ideas which are not subject to our own will are produced in us by God : the independence of a real thing , its having some continuity despite interrupted perception of it , could be explained in terms of a continued readiness on God 's part to excite the requisite ideas in us at suitable moments .
12 In this respect Ferguson thought that the Warner Bros film was a good indication of what could be achieved by Hollywood when it tackled social problems honestly and he summed it up by returning to one of his favourite points about Hollywood that ‘ even half a loaf on the national stomach is at least nourishment taken in ’ .
13 Economies of scale in product development may be achieved by companies who manage to work together , or find some cooperative ways to share the costs of developing new products .
14 This may be achieved by correspondence , but a meeting may be necessary , and is almost always desirable .
15 In manpower intensive service sector industries with many small outlets , significant improvements in productivity may be achieved by training to optimise human resources .
16 The desired levels of consumption and public and private investment would be achieved by taxation , increased State spending and the licensing of all private investment projects .
17 If income tax , the armed services , or even the Royal Family had to be revolutionised , it would be achieved by degrees with countless checks and balances .
18 He says they have a few pounds to trim off the engine but that will be achieved by Imola .
19 It is envisaged that the main objectives will be achieved by way of the following two main steps :
20 As we have seen , there are distinct limitations on what can be achieved by way of conditions on a planning permission ; this can often be as awkward for the developer as it is for the planning authority .
21 By giving pupils access to such software , the educational aim of allowing creative thought and action can be achieved by school librarians and teachers .
22 The dictionary shows how efficiency in the formulation of meaning can be achieved by synthesis , the grammar shows how it can be achieved by analysis .
23 But in addition to explaining this mystery , it is a beautiful example of what can be achieved by neurons having the appropriate projective zones .
24 The practical limits on what can be achieved by laws have been illustrated repeatedly in recent years in the United Kingdom in connection with trade union legislation .
25 Credit for not more than 50% of the Certificate or Diploma programmes , excluding the case study and project can be achieved by accreditation of prior learning .
26 This does not need to be done explicitly ( e.g. through devices such as " in the last paragraph , I have argued … " ) , but can be achieved by phrases like " this x " , or " the idea that x " ( where x is a term or phrase used in the previous paragraph ) .
27 Some of this work can be achieved by machine and at Kaohsiung computerised buffers take care of the large , flat areas ( you can often spot the computer 's work on the backs of guitars , by the buffing lines which run across the body at 90 degrees to the grain ) .
28 These include : * Dutch studies which claim that energy savings of 33 per cent can be achieved by packaging milk in reusable plastic bottles ; * savings of around 90 per cent in energy use and polluting emissions achieved by Swiss supermarket chain Migros through a switch from cardboard boxes to re-usable plastic ones ; * the success of Sainsbury 's " Penny Back " scheme , which encourages shoppers to re-use carrier bags .
29 Those are the tangible improvements in health care that can be achieved by trust status .
30 It must be stressed , however , that this is what can be achieved by effort , innovation and good management in production , rather than what happens in a laissez-faire atmosphere .
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