Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [verb] by others " in BNC.

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1 Yet , recognition of that extension might at the same time open up the possibility that vulnerable people who do not desire death , despite their suffering , might be killed by others for reasons of their own : this would subvert the right to self-determination , and is an argument against a mercy-killing defence or offence .
2 Many of those aspects of your personality which you may have perceived in a negative way might be regarded by others as positive elements of your character .
3 The concept of an objective order demands the possibility of certain criteria of objectivity , such that I might be corrected by others on a given occasion , should I for any reason fall foul of such criteria .
4 This still might not provide an answer to the problem , if only because he might be deceived by others as well as by the stranger himself .
5 This is not to criticise any individual or group , but rather to highlight potential problems as , for example , where the involvement of individuals might be interpreted by others as exceeding their authority .
6 ‘ After being approached by several manufacturing companies it became obvious that the manufacturing aspect to our business could be handled by others , leaving us free to concentrate on our core business the design , specification and installation side . ’
7 Your success could be resented by others , which may mean that you have to fight for dear life to hang on to what you 've got , or there will be little time to enjoy your personal or social life .
8 The most obvious of these was that if fonts were to be provided with any application , it was better if they could be shared by others , and the Typographics fonts supplied with early versions were , if not exactly grotty , not up to the standard users would expect of , say , TrueType or ATM fonts .
9 They may be coerced by others
10 However , actions may be challenged by others with hindsight and an engineer may have to establish the facts in the face of a hostile situation .
11 The mother may be assisted by others ( usually non-pregnant females ) who often help take the calf to the surface for air .
12 However , what an owner sees as his due rights may be seen by others as undue privilege ; and where the general interest is material enough to insist on the second alternative , it may with whatever necessary degree of consideration and justice , seek to override the first .
13 Guilt is culpable responsibility — we are guilty of some specific offence , or we may be seen by others or see them as so ; in this sense we carry the more or less factual responsibility for damage or potential damage to some other person(s) or society as a whole .
14 The pathogens which cause dysentery , typhoid and some forms of gastroenteritis are excreted in the faeces , so hands contaminated with faeces , if inadvertently put near the mouth , can re-infect the person himself or infect food which may be consumed by others .
15 The sufferer from anorexia may be told by others that he or she is thin but has a distorted body image and believes himself or herself to be " fat " or " normal " regardless of body weight .
16 We have reached an understanding that we are never not communicating ; whether silent or talking , hunched in a chair or pacing the floor , we are giving signals which may be interpreted by others .
17 If the service , which is free apart from the cost of the phone call , proves successful , it may be supplemented by others dealing with information on areas of concern such as the environment .
18 and had emphasised that the Institute could be left behind and would be compelled by others in Europe to do certain things , which was not desirable .
19 BNP 's sell-off will be followed by others , and this should , eventually , produce a sea-change in French finance .
20 These formats will be joined by others , including multimedia systems being developed by Apple and IBM .
21 Since a scientist knows that his results will be examined by others , he will aim to achieve in his work the standards that he knows will be applied in assessing the validity of his discovery .
22 In any event , as I have indicated , some of this ground will be covered by others .
23 This applies to those who will be employed by others and to the many who may expect , for part or all of their working lives , to be self-employed .
24 Some of the present generation 's problems with information will therefore recede , but they will be replaced by others : and chief amongst these are selection , interpretation and evaluation of information .
25 If the old flower spikes are removed they will be replaced by others thus extending the season .
26 ‘ I will be rejected by others
27 Decision-makers in crises take trouble in analysing how their words and actions will be interpreted by others , sometimes so as to avoid misinterpretations , sometimes so as to create them .
28 It may arise simply because the risk of deterioration of a resource may be unequally shared among affected people , or because the fruits of personal sacrifices will be enjoyed by others , or discounted future benefits do not justify present sacrifices and are distributed unevenly .
29 ‘ Whether Dickens himself shall turn out to be the hero of his own life , ’ Ackroyd wonders as he begins his story , echoing Pip in Great Expectations , ‘ or whether that station will be held by others , these pages must show . ’
30 The argument from analogy supposes that you can construct from your own case a concept of pains which can be felt by others rather than by you .
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