Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] the big [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Er and as you said , the only goal we had to start with was that we should turn the big losses into profit .
2 they 'll accept the big proposals
3 When he peeped through the gap he could see the big half-pillars supporting the lintel , the rounded stone steps leading down to the paved walkway and the wilderness of garden beyond .
4 ‘ They 'd ring the big stores in London , give them an order in the morning and it would be on the train in the afternoon , and here by evening .
5 There is truly not a single county which can safely be eliminated from a chance of winning one of the main trophies , although Gloucestershire , cruelly deprived of the English half of their anticipated new-ball pair , David Lawrence and Courtney Walsh , and Leicestershire , would need the biggest swings of the lot to upset the opinion polls .
6 If only Cassan can get him safely through the speed leg , which so often plays a decisive part in the overall result , he looks as though he would relish the bigger obstacles expected for the second and third legs .
7 What made the result so glorious was that it epitomized the essence of steeplechasing : at its most prestigious moment the sport had returned to its rural roots and shown that the humblest contestants can win the biggest prizes .
8 By paying your bills in this way , you ensure you can pay the big bills , while retaining the use of the rest of your income to pay your living expenses each month .
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