Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] themselves [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The agricultural experts pushing crop substitution programmes may congratulate themselves on Pakistan 's declining opium output , but the truth is that the country is now specialising more in processing and marketing .
2 The second was the decision of the American Supreme Court that they should divest themselves of monopoly control of the cinema chains which , as Heston said , was in hindsight a death blow which merely served to hasten the financial decline of each and every studio .
3 They should ally themselves with health service workers ( including managers ) and inspire them to help analyse the determinants of good and bad health , assess health needs , promote health , and evaluate services , thereby achieving public health goals , albeit indirectly .
4 No wonder there was no inheritance for the children and they must scrape themselves with newspaper and redden their pampered fingers in icy water now that the goose who laid the golden eggs was dead .
5 First , there is the issue of the mandatory reselection of MPs the idea that all sitting Labour Members should submit themselves for reselection by the local party at least once during the lifetime of each Parliament .
6 ‘ what a mortgagee is entitled to is that which is covered by the words ‘ costs charges and expenses properly incurred , ’ and it is for the taxing masters to say what these are … if the parties desire to depart from such a rule , they must express themselves in plain and unequivocal language .
7 I see no reason why people should drink themselves to death .
8 The competition authorities should concern themselves with firms ' conduct only when there is reason to believe that competition is absent ( or would be absent were the conduct permitted ) .
9 As right-wing politicians proclaim that the school curriculum must help children understand Britain 's ‘ place in the world ’ , the virtues of defence or popular capitalism , their left-wing counterparts maintain that schools should concern themselves with issues like the role of the police in contemporary society , homosexuality and the rights of cultural and ethnic minorities .
10 Even where it is clear that proceedings be commenced in a county court , practitioners must concern themselves with quantum at the pleading stages .
11 After all , there 's no reason , bar some weird dictate of trendiness , why they should define themselves against indie-kids ; no reason why they should be so consumed by some spurious culture to become impervious to the outside world .
12 You can also brief the photographer on any idiosyncrasies , on interests and on which parts of the person 's job might lend themselves to photography .
13 Since a high proportion of the over 40s in the population met their marriage-partners in dance halls , this nostalgia extends far beyond the group who might regard themselves as ballroom dancers .
14 Before he had ever seen one , in the early days on HMS Beagle , Darwin worked out that fringing reefs , around islands in an ocean whose bed was slowly sinking , might maintain themselves at sea-level .
15 In outlining an argument against multi-racial immigration , such new right authors might justify themselves in terms of so-called ‘ national feelings ’ but argumentative rhetoric and semantic history combine to leave such a phrase as ‘ national prejudices ’ to their opponents .
16 The introduction of compulsory , competitive tendering through the Local Government Planning and Land Act 1980 and the Local Government Act 1988 means that direct service organisations may see themselves as agencies with a degree of independence from the actual client , for example , the social service department requiring the cleaning office buildings .
17 For just £14,000 couples could count themselves among Sinatra 's guests .
18 To North Korea Japan posed a powerful latent threat : the United States and Japan combined could install themselves in South Korea , boost its economy and armed forces , and encourage subversion against North Korea .
19 Supporters could perceive themselves as part of ‘ a collective and democratically-structured enterprise ’ .
20 To the extent that these values were questioned , by young people , their parents , or society at large , teachers could see themselves as representatives or custodians of what was in effect ‘ company policy ’ .
21 The better off could avail themselves of banking and credit facilities , shops selling luxury goods , culture in the form of theatres and other entertainment facilities .
22 When we came out of the Clerecia , after dipping hands in the holy water stoup and placing a drop on each other 's brows , as we had seen the novios and novias do ( the boy on entering a church would dip his hand in the water and transfer a drop to his fiancée 's fingertip so that they could cross themselves in unison ) , we would go into La Casa de las Conchas next to the Clerecia , with elaborate wrought-iron window-grilles and its tranquil courtyard , and sit there quietly for a while , thinking of the next poem , or of the one we were working on .
23 ‘ It would be helpful if applicants could record themselves on tape . ’
24 In this way the individual cells could protect themselves from danger .
25 Mothers on out-door relief were to be encouraged or forced by the threat of withdrawal of relief to send some or all of their children into the workhouse , so that the mothers could support themselves by work .
26 He also suggests a recognition for clubs who , he says , could nominate themselves for achievements in promoting angling , fostering community relations and generally promoting their own region for angling tourism .
27 The will of King Eadred ( 946 – 55 ) left £1,600 so that his people could redeem themselves from famine or a heathen army , Cnut defeated thirty ships of pirates early in his reign , and Domesday Book says that under Edward the Confessor ( 1042 – 66 ) the hidage ( broadly , tax ) assessment of Fareham in Hampshire was reduced " on account of the Vikings , because it is on the sea " .
28 ‘ It is a serious offence , but it means first-time offenders committing that crime could find themselves in prison . ’
29 Accordingly , companies could find themselves in front of the Review Panel when an early discussion with the UITF might have saved an embarrassing discussion .
30 Brothers turned against brother , and married women could find themselves in opposition to their own family , in duty to their husband .
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