Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] [prep] [art] higher " in BNC.

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1 IT IS now a little more than three years since four biologists caused a minor uproar among molecular geneticists by publishing in Nature two papers in which they argued that a substantial proportion of the DNA of animal cells may exist for no higher purpose than its own propagation .
2 ( Employees may opt for the higher quote but can expect to pay the difference themselves . )
3 But you should descend at a higher rate so as to reach 2500ft before you turn .
4 Thus , although SS continues to show the labour supply curve in terms of the after-tax wage , we must draw in the higher schedule SS ' ; to show the supply of labour in terms of the gross or pre-tax wage .
5 The ‘ antagonism of interest ’ , which Green knew existed , could ‘ only be met by moral ideas appropriate … to the citizen stage … the reconciliation must come through a higher gospel of rights — the gospel of duty ’ .
6 Only about 12 per cent of companies might be termed ‘ high-tech ’ , although this figure should rise as a higher proportion of post-designation companies fall into this classification .
7 The report suggested that if more liability for the contract was placed on the contractor it might result in a higher tender price , but lower cost increases during the work programme .
8 The Fairclough report suggests that suitable UK institutions could be offered Faraday Centre status , becoming foci for technologies and expertise of industrial relevance , in which graduate scientists and engineers could work for a higher degree while engaged on contract research before moving into industry .
9 If we consider the exercise-bicycle market shown in figure 2.10 , for example , we could move to a higher level of abstraction to new fitness machines and to lower levels of abstraction which can reveal a whole range of possibilities .
10 Like a faster-acting computer programme , decisions and judgements can speed up , and it could lead to a higher IQ !
11 Students taking the degree without honours have a choice of the subjects which they may take at a higher level .
12 The confidence , thus built , may lead to a higher percentage of the customer 's business in the longer term .
13 IAAF spokeswoman Jayne Pearce today confirmed that the federation did not accept the Ohio court decision and would appeal to a higher court in Cincinnati .
14 Britain would advance to a higher stage of civilization via favourable environment and sound heredity .
15 Students who obtained a C1 Certificate and who did not wish to enter employment immediately should be able to undertake further studies ; in some instances , this might be a Diploma in Art and Design course , but in most cases it would lead to a Higher Certificate of the validating body .
16 It is argued that greater care in extraction would lead to a higher price of the timber but , in hill-forest in Sarawak planned systems using directional felling are said to reduce logging damage by half without incurring additional costs .
17 Such cases would go to a higher body , described as an upper-tier Industrial Court staffed by senior chairmen and members .
18 If one of a couple is disabled or older than the other , the couple will qualify for the higher amount .
19 I have made it clear that we have made decisions for the future structure of the Army that will result in a higher proportion of the Army overall being drawn from Scotland — I imagine that the hon. Gentleman will welcome that .
20 For example , theory shows that financing a service by an annually-negotiated budget will result in a higher level of provision of the service than would be socially optimal , and higher than would be provided by financing through charges to the user .
21 We all know what the Labour party will do to the higher rate , but even it does not seem to know what it will do to the tax on middle managers — national insurance contributions .
22 This examination will test at a higher level the linguistic skills and business knowledge tested at the Second Level .
23 Many fewer people leave school at 16 than did when the examinations were introduced ; and more every year are being encouraged to stay at school or to leave only to go to sixth-form college , college of further education , or wherever else they may receive education that will lead to a higher accreditation .
24 Whether or not the purchase price is an appropriate or indeed adequate upper limit is arguable but it is only in rare circumstances that a vendor will agree to a higher limit .
25 The way the costs break down is affected by the region as well as the type of school : in rural areas , for instance , transport costs will account for a higher proportion of spending than in metropolitan areas ( CIPFA , 1990 , Tables 1 , 2 and 3 .
26 Similarly , tubular obstruction secondary to renal parenchymal disorganisation may account for the higher prevalence in patients with renal and urinary tract disease .
27 In political elections , however , candidates are not just persons , they stand for parties , and in political terms a lower preference can count against a higher preference in some circumstances .
28 Unnecessarily high costs can be passed on under average cost pricing ( solution 1 ) , can result in a higher fixed charge to ensure break-even under a two-part tariff ( solution 2 ) , or can require a larger subsidy ( solution 3 ) .
29 In response to the numbers of queries it has received , the Stamp Office has issued a guidance note on which documents can benefit from the higher threshold , in particular circumstances where the documents are signed on or before 19 August but relate to a sale which may not be completed until 20 August or later .
30 We can aspire to a higher consciousness .
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